On 06/10/2021 18:24, Glavo wrote:
For a long time, unpacking and repackaging all dependencies into a file
called fatJar was the first choice for single file distribution of Java
programs. However, the compatibility of this solution with JPMS is very
poor - it breaks up all the modules and works with classpath.
Project Jigsaw did have a number items related to module artifacts that it didn't get to. These included a means to package several modules into a single artifact and executable uber-JARs, in both cases preserving module boundaries and identity. There were a number of prototypes and some initial exploration but they had to put aside to focus on the core platform. As Ioi shows, the APIs to do your own experiments are there so there is nothing stopping you, or others, from doing more exploration and working through the many issues and directions that might arise. That's all useful to do in advance of some future JEP, if someone is willing to invest in this area.


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