showuon commented on code in PR #13487:

@@ -272,15 +364,270 @@ class RemoteLogManager(rlmConfig: RemoteLogManagerConfig,
+  trait CancellableRunnable extends Runnable {
+    @volatile private var cancelled = false
+    def cancel(): Unit = {
+      cancelled = true
+    }
+    def isCancelled(): Boolean = {
+      cancelled
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the leader epoch checkpoint by truncating with the given 
start[exclusive] and end[inclusive] offset
+   *
+   * @param log         The actual log from where to take the leader-epoch 
+   * @param startOffset The start offset of the checkpoint file (exclusive in 
the truncation).
+   *                    If start offset is 6, then it will retain an entry at 
offset 6.
+   * @param endOffset   The end offset of the checkpoint file (inclusive in 
the truncation)
+   *                    If end offset is 100, then it will remove the entries 
greater than or equal to 100.
+   * @return the truncated leader epoch checkpoint
+   */
+  private[remote] def getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log: UnifiedLog, startOffset: 
Long, endOffset: Long): InMemoryLeaderEpochCheckpoint = {
+    val checkpoint = new InMemoryLeaderEpochCheckpoint()
+    log.leaderEpochCache
+      .map(cache => cache.writeTo(checkpoint))
+      .foreach { x =>
+        if (startOffset >= 0) {
+          x.truncateFromStart(startOffset)
+        }
+        x.truncateFromEnd(endOffset)
+      }
+    checkpoint
+  }
+  private[remote] class RLMTask(tpId: TopicIdPartition) extends 
CancellableRunnable with Logging {
+    this.logIdent = s"[RemoteLogManager=$brokerId partition=$tpId] "
+    @volatile private var leaderEpoch: Int = -1
+    private def isLeader(): Boolean = leaderEpoch >= 0
+    // The readOffset is None initially for a new leader RLMTask, and needs to 
be fetched inside the task's run() method.
+    @volatile private var copiedOffsetOption: Option[Long] = None
+    def convertToLeader(leaderEpochVal: Int): Unit = {
+      if (leaderEpochVal < 0) {
+        throw new KafkaException(s"leaderEpoch value for topic partition $tpId 
can not be negative")
+      }
+      if (this.leaderEpoch != leaderEpochVal) {
+        leaderEpoch = leaderEpochVal
+      }
+      // Reset readOffset, so that it is set in next run of RLMTask
+      copiedOffsetOption = None
+    }
+    def convertToFollower(): Unit = {
+      leaderEpoch = -1
+    }
+    def handleCopyLogSegmentsToRemote(): Unit = {
+      if (isCancelled())
+        return
+      def maybeUpdateReadOffset(): Unit = {
+        if (copiedOffsetOption.isEmpty) {
+          info(s"Find the highest remote offset for partition: $tpId after 
becoming leader, leaderEpoch: $leaderEpoch")
+          // This is found by traversing from the latest leader epoch from 
leader epoch history and find the highest offset
+          // of a segment with that epoch copied into remote storage. If it 
can not find an entry then it checks for the
+          // previous leader epoch till it finds an entry, If there are no 
entries till the earliest leader epoch in leader
+          // epoch cache then it starts copying the segments from the earliest 
epoch entry’s offset.
+          copiedOffsetOption = Some(findHighestRemoteOffset(tpId))
+        }
+      }
+      try {
+        maybeUpdateReadOffset()
+        val copiedOffset = copiedOffsetOption.get
+        fetchLog(tpId.topicPartition()).foreach { log =>
+          // LSO indicates the offset below are ready to be 
consumed(high-watermark or committed)
+          val lso = log.lastStableOffset
+          if (lso < 0) {
+            warn(s"lastStableOffset for partition $tpId is $lso, which should 
not be negative.")
+          } else if (lso > 0 && copiedOffset < lso) {
+            // Copy segments only till the min of high-watermark or 
stable-offset as remote storage should contain
+            // only committed/acked messages
+            val toOffset = lso
+            debug(s"Checking for segments to copy, copiedOffset: $copiedOffset 
and toOffset: $toOffset")
+            val activeSegBaseOffset = log.activeSegment.baseOffset
+            // log-start-offset can be ahead of the read-offset, when:
+            // 1) log-start-offset gets incremented via delete-records API (or)
+            // 2) enabling the remote log for the first time
+            val fromOffset = Math.max(copiedOffset + 1, log.logStartOffset)
+            val sortedSegments = log.logSegments(fromOffset, 
+            val activeSegIndex: Int = => 
x.baseOffset).search(activeSegBaseOffset) match {
+              case Found(x) => x
+              case InsertionPoint(y) => y - 1
+            }
+            // sortedSegments becomes empty list when fromOffset and toOffset 
are same, and activeSegIndex becomes -1
+            if (activeSegIndex < 0) {
+              debug(s"No segments found to be copied for partition $tpId with 
copiedOffset: $copiedOffset and " +
+                s"active segment's base-offset: $activeSegBaseOffset")
+            } else {
+              sortedSegments.slice(0, activeSegIndex).foreach { segment =>
+                if (isCancelled() || !isLeader()) {
+                  info(s"Skipping copying log segments as the current task 
state is changed, cancelled: " +
+                    s"${isCancelled()} leader:${isLeader()}")
+                  return
+                }
+                val logFile = segment.log.file()
+                val logFileName = logFile.getName
+                info(s"Copying $logFileName to remote storage.")
+                val id = new RemoteLogSegmentId(tpId, Uuid.randomUuid())
+                val nextOffset = segment.readNextOffset
+                val endOffset = nextOffset - 1
+                val producerIdSnapshotFile: File = 
+                val epochEntries = getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log, 
segment.baseOffset, nextOffset).read()
+                val segmentLeaderEpochs: util.Map[Integer, lang.Long] = new 
util.HashMap[Integer, lang.Long](epochEntries.size())
+                epochEntries.forEach(entry =>
+                  segmentLeaderEpochs.put(Integer.valueOf(entry.epoch), 
+                )
+                val remoteLogSegmentMetadata = new 
RemoteLogSegmentMetadata(id, segment.baseOffset, endOffset,
+                  segment.largestTimestamp, brokerId, time.milliseconds(), 
+                  segmentLeaderEpochs)
+                val leaderEpochsIndex = getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log, 
startOffset = -1, nextOffset).readAsByteBuffer()
+                val segmentData = new LogSegmentData(logFile.toPath, 
+                  toPathIfExists(segment.lazyTimeIndex.get.file), 
+                  producerIdSnapshotFile.toPath, leaderEpochsIndex)
+                val rlsmAfterSegmentCopy = new 
RemoteLogSegmentMetadataUpdate(id, time.milliseconds(),
+                  RemoteLogSegmentState.COPY_SEGMENT_FINISHED, brokerId)
+                copiedOffsetOption = Some(endOffset)
+                log.updateHighestOffsetInRemoteStorage(endOffset)
+                info(s"Copied $logFileName to remote storage with segment-id: 
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            debug(s"Skipping copying segments, current 
read-offset:$copiedOffset, and LSO:$lso")
+          }
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case ex: Exception =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            error(s"Error occurred while copying log segments of partition: 
$tpId", ex)
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    private def toPathIfExists(file: File): Path = {
+      if (file.exists()) file.toPath else null
+    }
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      if (isCancelled())
+        return
+      try {
+        if (isLeader()) {
+          // Copy log segments to remote storage
+          handleCopyLogSegmentsToRemote()
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case ex: InterruptedException =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            warn(s"Current thread for topic-partition-id $tpId is interrupted, 
this task won't be rescheduled. " +
+              s"Reason: ${ex.getMessage}")
+          }
+        case ex: Exception =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            warn(s"Current task for topic-partition $tpId received error but 
it will be scheduled. " +
+              s"Reason: ${ex.getMessage}")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    override def toString: String = {
+      this.getClass.toString + s"[$tpId]"
+    }
+  }
+  def findHighestRemoteOffset(topicIdPartition: TopicIdPartition): Long = {
+    var offset: Optional[lang.Long] = Optional.empty()
+    fetchLog(topicIdPartition.topicPartition()).foreach { log =>
+      log.leaderEpochCache.foreach(cache => {
+        var epoch = cache.latestEpoch
+        while (!offset.isPresent && epoch.isPresent) {
+          offset = 
remoteLogMetadataManager.highestOffsetForEpoch(topicIdPartition, epoch.getAsInt)
+          epoch = cache.previousEpoch(epoch.getAsInt)
+        }
+      })
+    }
+    offset.orElse(-1L)
+  }
+  private def doHandleLeaderOrFollowerPartitions(topicPartition: 
+                                                 convertToLeaderOrFollower: 
RLMTask => Unit): Unit = {
+    val rlmTaskWithFuture = 
leaderOrFollowerTasks.computeIfAbsent(topicPartition, (tp: TopicIdPartition) => 
+      val task = new RLMTask(tp)
+      // set this upfront when it is getting initialized instead of doing it 
after scheduling.
+      convertToLeaderOrFollower(task)
+      info(s"Created a new task: $task and getting scheduled")
+      val future = rlmScheduledThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, 0, 
delayInMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+      RLMTaskWithFuture(task, future)
+    })
+    convertToLeaderOrFollower(rlmTaskWithFuture.rlmTask)

Review Comment:
   Will there be race condition when the topic partition is new inserted, so 
it'll set `convertToLeaderOrFollower` once before scheduling. And then the 
scheduled thread could be run immediately, later, run this line 
`convertToLeaderOrFollower(rlmTaskWithFuture.rlmTask)`, so it reset the leader 
epoch if it got updated. 
   Could we add a null condition check for `rlmTaskWithFuture` here? that is:
   if (rlmTaskWithFuture != null) {
     // not new created task, should convert it here

@@ -272,15 +364,270 @@ class RemoteLogManager(rlmConfig: RemoteLogManagerConfig,
+  trait CancellableRunnable extends Runnable {
+    @volatile private var cancelled = false
+    def cancel(): Unit = {
+      cancelled = true
+    }
+    def isCancelled(): Boolean = {
+      cancelled
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the leader epoch checkpoint by truncating with the given 
start[exclusive] and end[inclusive] offset
+   *
+   * @param log         The actual log from where to take the leader-epoch 
+   * @param startOffset The start offset of the checkpoint file (exclusive in 
the truncation).
+   *                    If start offset is 6, then it will retain an entry at 
offset 6.
+   * @param endOffset   The end offset of the checkpoint file (inclusive in 
the truncation)
+   *                    If end offset is 100, then it will remove the entries 
greater than or equal to 100.
+   * @return the truncated leader epoch checkpoint
+   */
+  private[remote] def getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log: UnifiedLog, startOffset: 
Long, endOffset: Long): InMemoryLeaderEpochCheckpoint = {
+    val checkpoint = new InMemoryLeaderEpochCheckpoint()
+    log.leaderEpochCache
+      .map(cache => cache.writeTo(checkpoint))
+      .foreach { x =>
+        if (startOffset >= 0) {
+          x.truncateFromStart(startOffset)
+        }
+        x.truncateFromEnd(endOffset)
+      }
+    checkpoint
+  }
+  private[remote] class RLMTask(tpId: TopicIdPartition) extends 
CancellableRunnable with Logging {
+    this.logIdent = s"[RemoteLogManager=$brokerId partition=$tpId] "
+    @volatile private var leaderEpoch: Int = -1
+    private def isLeader(): Boolean = leaderEpoch >= 0
+    // The readOffset is None initially for a new leader RLMTask, and needs to 
be fetched inside the task's run() method.
+    @volatile private var copiedOffsetOption: Option[Long] = None
+    def convertToLeader(leaderEpochVal: Int): Unit = {
+      if (leaderEpochVal < 0) {
+        throw new KafkaException(s"leaderEpoch value for topic partition $tpId 
can not be negative")
+      }
+      if (this.leaderEpoch != leaderEpochVal) {
+        leaderEpoch = leaderEpochVal
+      }
+      // Reset readOffset, so that it is set in next run of RLMTask
+      copiedOffsetOption = None
+    }
+    def convertToFollower(): Unit = {
+      leaderEpoch = -1
+    }
+    def handleCopyLogSegmentsToRemote(): Unit = {
+      if (isCancelled())
+        return
+      def maybeUpdateReadOffset(): Unit = {
+        if (copiedOffsetOption.isEmpty) {
+          info(s"Find the highest remote offset for partition: $tpId after 
becoming leader, leaderEpoch: $leaderEpoch")
+          // This is found by traversing from the latest leader epoch from 
leader epoch history and find the highest offset
+          // of a segment with that epoch copied into remote storage. If it 
can not find an entry then it checks for the
+          // previous leader epoch till it finds an entry, If there are no 
entries till the earliest leader epoch in leader
+          // epoch cache then it starts copying the segments from the earliest 
epoch entry’s offset.
+          copiedOffsetOption = Some(findHighestRemoteOffset(tpId))
+        }
+      }
+      try {
+        maybeUpdateReadOffset()
+        val copiedOffset = copiedOffsetOption.get
+        fetchLog(tpId.topicPartition()).foreach { log =>
+          // LSO indicates the offset below are ready to be 
consumed(high-watermark or committed)
+          val lso = log.lastStableOffset
+          if (lso < 0) {
+            warn(s"lastStableOffset for partition $tpId is $lso, which should 
not be negative.")
+          } else if (lso > 0 && copiedOffset < lso) {
+            // Copy segments only till the min of high-watermark or 
stable-offset as remote storage should contain
+            // only committed/acked messages
+            val toOffset = lso
+            debug(s"Checking for segments to copy, copiedOffset: $copiedOffset 
and toOffset: $toOffset")
+            val activeSegBaseOffset = log.activeSegment.baseOffset
+            // log-start-offset can be ahead of the read-offset, when:
+            // 1) log-start-offset gets incremented via delete-records API (or)
+            // 2) enabling the remote log for the first time
+            val fromOffset = Math.max(copiedOffset + 1, log.logStartOffset)
+            val sortedSegments = log.logSegments(fromOffset, 
+            val activeSegIndex: Int = => 
x.baseOffset).search(activeSegBaseOffset) match {
+              case Found(x) => x
+              case InsertionPoint(y) => y - 1
+            }
+            // sortedSegments becomes empty list when fromOffset and toOffset 
are same, and activeSegIndex becomes -1
+            if (activeSegIndex < 0) {
+              debug(s"No segments found to be copied for partition $tpId with 
copiedOffset: $copiedOffset and " +
+                s"active segment's base-offset: $activeSegBaseOffset")
+            } else {
+              sortedSegments.slice(0, activeSegIndex).foreach { segment =>
+                if (isCancelled() || !isLeader()) {
+                  info(s"Skipping copying log segments as the current task 
state is changed, cancelled: " +
+                    s"${isCancelled()} leader:${isLeader()}")
+                  return
+                }
+                val logFile = segment.log.file()
+                val logFileName = logFile.getName
+                info(s"Copying $logFileName to remote storage.")
+                val id = new RemoteLogSegmentId(tpId, Uuid.randomUuid())
+                val nextOffset = segment.readNextOffset
+                val endOffset = nextOffset - 1
+                val producerIdSnapshotFile: File = 
+                val epochEntries = getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log, 
segment.baseOffset, nextOffset).read()
+                val segmentLeaderEpochs: util.Map[Integer, lang.Long] = new 
util.HashMap[Integer, lang.Long](epochEntries.size())
+                epochEntries.forEach(entry =>
+                  segmentLeaderEpochs.put(Integer.valueOf(entry.epoch), 
+                )
+                val remoteLogSegmentMetadata = new 
RemoteLogSegmentMetadata(id, segment.baseOffset, endOffset,
+                  segment.largestTimestamp, brokerId, time.milliseconds(), 
+                  segmentLeaderEpochs)
+                val leaderEpochsIndex = getLeaderEpochCheckpoint(log, 
startOffset = -1, nextOffset).readAsByteBuffer()
+                val segmentData = new LogSegmentData(logFile.toPath, 
+                  toPathIfExists(segment.lazyTimeIndex.get.file), 
+                  producerIdSnapshotFile.toPath, leaderEpochsIndex)
+                val rlsmAfterSegmentCopy = new 
RemoteLogSegmentMetadataUpdate(id, time.milliseconds(),
+                  RemoteLogSegmentState.COPY_SEGMENT_FINISHED, brokerId)
+                copiedOffsetOption = Some(endOffset)
+                log.updateHighestOffsetInRemoteStorage(endOffset)
+                info(s"Copied $logFileName to remote storage with segment-id: 
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            debug(s"Skipping copying segments, current 
read-offset:$copiedOffset, and LSO:$lso")
+          }
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case ex: Exception =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            error(s"Error occurred while copying log segments of partition: 
$tpId", ex)
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    private def toPathIfExists(file: File): Path = {
+      if (file.exists()) file.toPath else null
+    }
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      if (isCancelled())
+        return
+      try {
+        if (isLeader()) {
+          // Copy log segments to remote storage
+          handleCopyLogSegmentsToRemote()
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case ex: InterruptedException =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            warn(s"Current thread for topic-partition-id $tpId is interrupted, 
this task won't be rescheduled. " +
+              s"Reason: ${ex.getMessage}")
+          }
+        case ex: Exception =>
+          if (!isCancelled()) {
+            warn(s"Current task for topic-partition $tpId received error but 
it will be scheduled. " +
+              s"Reason: ${ex.getMessage}")
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    override def toString: String = {
+      this.getClass.toString + s"[$tpId]"
+    }
+  }
+  def findHighestRemoteOffset(topicIdPartition: TopicIdPartition): Long = {
+    var offset: Optional[lang.Long] = Optional.empty()
+    fetchLog(topicIdPartition.topicPartition()).foreach { log =>
+      log.leaderEpochCache.foreach(cache => {
+        var epoch = cache.latestEpoch
+        while (!offset.isPresent && epoch.isPresent) {
+          offset = 
remoteLogMetadataManager.highestOffsetForEpoch(topicIdPartition, epoch.getAsInt)
+          epoch = cache.previousEpoch(epoch.getAsInt)
+        }
+      })
+    }
+    offset.orElse(-1L)
+  }
+  private def doHandleLeaderOrFollowerPartitions(topicPartition: 
+                                                 convertToLeaderOrFollower: 
RLMTask => Unit): Unit = {
+    val rlmTaskWithFuture = 
leaderOrFollowerTasks.computeIfAbsent(topicPartition, (tp: TopicIdPartition) => 
+      val task = new RLMTask(tp)
+      // set this upfront when it is getting initialized instead of doing it 
after scheduling.
+      convertToLeaderOrFollower(task)
+      info(s"Created a new task: $task and getting scheduled")
+      val future = rlmScheduledThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, 0, 
delayInMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+      RLMTaskWithFuture(task, future)
+    })
+    convertToLeaderOrFollower(rlmTaskWithFuture.rlmTask)

Review Comment:
   Will there be race condition when the topic partition is new inserted, so 
it'll set `convertToLeaderOrFollower` once before scheduling. And then the 
scheduled thread could be run immediately, later, run this line 
`convertToLeaderOrFollower(rlmTaskWithFuture.rlmTask)`, so it reset the leader 
epoch if it got updated. 
   Could we add a null condition check for `rlmTaskWithFuture` here? that is:
   if (rlmTaskWithFuture != null) {
     // not new created task, should convert it here

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