jolshan commented on code in PR #14353:

@@ -14,233 +14,532 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package kafka.server
+import kafka.test.ClusterInstance
+import kafka.test.annotation.{ClusterConfigProperty, ClusterTest, 
ClusterTestDefaults, Type}
+import kafka.test.junit.ClusterTestExtensions
+import kafka.test.junit.RaftClusterInvocationContext.RaftClusterInstance
+import kafka.test.junit.ZkClusterInvocationContext.ZkClusterInstance
 import kafka.utils.TestUtils
-import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, OffsetAndMetadata}
 import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
+import org.apache.kafka.common.message.OffsetFetchResponseData
 import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.{ApiKeys, Errors}
-import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetFetchResponse.PartitionData
-import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{AbstractResponse, OffsetFetchRequest, 
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, assertTrue}
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.{BeforeEach, Test, TestInfo}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{OffsetFetchRequest, 
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.{assertEquals, fail}
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.{Tag, Timeout}
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith
-import java.util
-import java.util.Collections.singletonList
+import java.util.Comparator
 import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
-import java.util.{Collections, Optional, Properties}
-class OffsetFetchRequestTest extends BaseRequestTest {
-  override def brokerCount: Int = 1
-  val brokerId: Integer = 0
-  val offset = 15L
-  val leaderEpoch: Optional[Integer] = Optional.of(3)
-  val metadata = "metadata"
-  val topic = "topic"
-  val groupId = "groupId"
-  val groups: Seq[String] = (1 to 5).map(i => s"group$i")
-  val topics: Seq[String] = (1 to 3).map(i => s"topic$i")
-  val topic1List = singletonList(new TopicPartition(topics(0), 0))
-  val topic1And2List = util.Arrays.asList(
-    new TopicPartition(topics(0), 0),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(1), 0),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(1), 1))
-  val allTopicsList = util.Arrays.asList(
-    new TopicPartition(topics(0), 0),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(1), 0),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(1), 1),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(2), 0),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(2), 1),
-    new TopicPartition(topics(2), 2))
-  val groupToPartitionMap: util.Map[String, util.List[TopicPartition]] =
-    new util.HashMap[String, util.List[TopicPartition]]()
-  groupToPartitionMap.put(groups(0), topic1List)
-  groupToPartitionMap.put(groups(1), topic1And2List)
-  groupToPartitionMap.put(groups(2), allTopicsList)
-  groupToPartitionMap.put(groups(3), null)
-  groupToPartitionMap.put(groups(4), null)
-  override def brokerPropertyOverrides(properties: Properties): Unit = {
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.BrokerIdProp, brokerId.toString)
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicPartitionsProp, "1")
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.OffsetsTopicReplicationFactorProp, "1")
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.TransactionsTopicPartitionsProp, "1")
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.TransactionsTopicReplicationFactorProp, "1")
-    properties.put(KafkaConfig.TransactionsTopicMinISRProp, "1")
-    properties.setProperty(KafkaConfig.UnstableApiVersionsEnableProp, "true")
+@ExtendWith(value = Array(classOf[ClusterTestExtensions]))
+@ClusterTestDefaults(clusterType = Type.KRAFT, brokers = 1)
+class OffsetFetchRequestTest(cluster: ClusterInstance) extends 
GroupCoordinatorBaseRequestTest(cluster) {
+  @ClusterTest(serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testSingleGroupOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = true, requireStable = true)
-  @BeforeEach
-  override def setUp(testInfo: TestInfo): Unit = {
-    doSetup(testInfo, createOffsetsTopic = false)
+  @ClusterTest(serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testSingleGroupOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = false, requireStable = false)
+  }
-    TestUtils.createOffsetsTopic(zkClient, servers)
+  @ClusterTest(clusterType = Type.ALL, serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testSingleGroupOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = false, requireStable = true)
-  @Test
-  def testOffsetFetchRequestSingleGroup(): Unit = {
-    createTopic(topic)
-    val tpList = singletonList(new TopicPartition(topic, 0))
-    consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
-    commitOffsets(tpList)
-    // testing from version 1 onward since version 0 read offsets from ZK
-    for (version <- 1 to ApiKeys.OFFSET_FETCH.latestVersion()) {
-      if (version < 8) {
-        val request =
-          if (version < 7) {
-            new OffsetFetchRequest.Builder(
-              groupId, false, tpList, false)
-              .build(version.asInstanceOf[Short])
-          } else {
-            new OffsetFetchRequest.Builder(
-              groupId, false, tpList, true)
-              .build(version.asInstanceOf[Short])
-          }
-        val response = connectAndReceive[OffsetFetchResponse](request)
-        val topicData =
-        val partitionData = topicData.partitions().get(0)
-        if (version < 3) {
-          assertEquals(AbstractResponse.DEFAULT_THROTTLE_TIME, 
-        }
-        verifySingleGroupResponse(version.asInstanceOf[Short],
-          response.error().code(), partitionData.errorCode(),,
-          partitionData.partitionIndex(), partitionData.committedOffset(),
-          partitionData.committedLeaderEpoch(), partitionData.metadata())
+  @ClusterTest(serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testMultipleGroupsOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = true, requireStable = true)
+  }
+  @ClusterTest(serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testMultipleGroupsOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = false, requireStable = 
+  }
+  @ClusterTest(clusterType = Type.ALL, serverProperties = Array(
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", 
value = "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "", value 
= "600000"),
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value = 
+    new ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", value 
= "1")
+  ))
+  def 
Unit = {
+    testMultipleGroupsOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol = false, requireStable = true)
+  }
+  private def testSingleGroupOffsetFetch(useNewProtocol: Boolean, 
requireStable: Boolean): Unit = {
+    if (useNewProtocol && !isNewGroupCoordinatorEnabled) {
+      fail("Cannot use the new protocol with the old group coordinator.")
+    }
+    val admin = cluster.createAdminClient()
+    // Creates the __consumer_offsets topics because it won't be created 
+    // in this test because it does not use FindCoordinator API.
+    TestUtils.createOffsetsTopicWithAdmin(
+      admin = admin,
+      brokers = if (cluster.isKRaftTest) {
       } else {
-        val request = new OffsetFetchRequest.Builder(
-          Map(groupId -> tpList).asJava, false, false)
-          .build(version.asInstanceOf[Short])
-        val response = connectAndReceive[OffsetFetchResponse](request)
-        val groupData =
-        val topicData = groupData.topics().get(0)
-        val partitionData = topicData.partitions().get(0)
-        verifySingleGroupResponse(version.asInstanceOf[Short],
-          groupData.errorCode(), partitionData.errorCode(),,
-          partitionData.partitionIndex(), partitionData.committedOffset(),
-          partitionData.committedLeaderEpoch(), partitionData.metadata())
+    )
+    // Create the topic.
+    TestUtils.createTopicWithAdminRaw(
+      admin = admin,
+      topic = "foo",
+      numPartitions = 3
+    )
+    // Join the consumer group.
+    val (memberId, memberEpoch) = if (useNewProtocol) {
+      // Note that we heartbeat only once to join the group and assume
+      // that the test will complete within the session timeout.
+      joinConsumerGroupWithNewProtocol("grp")
+    } else {
+      // Note that we don't heartbeat and assume  that the test will
+      // complete within the session timeout.
+      joinConsumerGroupWithOldProtocol("grp")
-  }
-  @Test
-  def testOffsetFetchRequestAllOffsetsSingleGroup(): Unit = {
-    createTopic(topic)
-    val tpList = singletonList(new TopicPartition(topic, 0))
-    consumerConfig.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
-    commitOffsets(tpList)
-    // Testing from version 2 onward since version 0 and do not support
-    // fetching all offsets.
-    for (version <- 2 to ApiKeys.OFFSET_FETCH.latestVersion()) {
-      if (version < 8) {
-        val request = new OffsetFetchRequest.Builder(
-          groupId,
-          false,
-          null,
-          version >= 7
-        ).build(version.toShort)
-        val response = connectAndReceive[OffsetFetchResponse](request)
-        assertEquals(Errors.NONE, response.error())
-        val topicData =
-        val partitionData = topicData.partitions().get(0)
-        if (version < 3) {
-          assertEquals(AbstractResponse.DEFAULT_THROTTLE_TIME, 
+    // Commit offsets.
+    for (partitionId <- 0 to 2) {
+      commitOffset(
+        groupId = "grp",
+        memberId = memberId,
+        memberEpoch = memberEpoch,
+        topic = "foo",
+        partition = partitionId,
+        offset = 100L + partitionId,
+        expectedError = Errors.NONE,
+        version = ApiKeys.OFFSET_COMMIT.latestVersion(isUnstableApiEnabled)
+      )
+    }
+    // Start from version 1 because version 0 goes to ZK.
+    for (version <- 1 to 
ApiKeys.OFFSET_FETCH.latestVersion(isUnstableApiEnabled)) {
+      // Fetch with partitions.
+      assertEquals(
+        new OffsetFetchResponseData.OffsetFetchResponseGroup()
+          .setGroupId("grp")
+          .setTopics(List(
+            new OffsetFetchResponseData.OffsetFetchResponseTopics()
+              .setName("foo")
+              .setPartitions(List(
+                new OffsetFetchResponseData.OffsetFetchResponsePartitions()
+                  .setPartitionIndex(0)
+                  .setCommittedOffset(100L),
+                new OffsetFetchResponseData.OffsetFetchResponsePartitions()
+                  .setPartitionIndex(1)
+                  .setCommittedOffset(101L),
+                new OffsetFetchResponseData.OffsetFetchResponsePartitions()
+                  .setPartitionIndex(5)
+                  .setCommittedOffset(-1L)
+              ).asJava)
+          ).asJava),
+        fetchOffsets(
+          groupId = "grp",
+          memberId = memberId,
+          memberEpoch = memberEpoch,
+          partitions = List(
+            new TopicPartition("foo", 0),
+            new TopicPartition("foo", 1),
+            new TopicPartition("foo", 5) // This one does not exist.
+          ),
+          requireStable = requireStable,
+          version = version.toShort
+        )
+      )
+      assertEquals(

Review Comment:
   nit: comment here this is the unknown group test case.

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