dajac commented on code in PR #16072:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16072#discussion_r1614001355

@@ -1664,6 +1664,134 @@ class GroupMetadataManagerTest {
     assertEquals(0, TestUtils.totalMetricValue(metrics, "offset-commit-count"))
+  @Test
+  def testOffsetMetadataTooLargePartialFailure(): Unit = {
+    val memberId = ""
+    val topicIdPartition = new TopicIdPartition(Uuid.randomUuid(), 0, "foo")
+    val validTopicIdPartition = new TopicIdPartition(topicIdPartition.topicId, 
1, "foo")
+    val offset = 37
+    val requireStable = true;
+    groupMetadataManager.addOwnedPartition(groupPartitionId)
+    val group = new GroupMetadata(groupId, Empty, time)
+    groupMetadataManager.addGroup(group)
+    val offsetTopicPartition = new 
+    val offsets = immutable.Map(
+      topicIdPartition -> OffsetAndMetadata(offset, "s" * 
(offsetConfig.maxMetadataSize + 1) , time.milliseconds()),
+      validTopicIdPartition -> OffsetAndMetadata(offset, "", 
+    )
+    expectAppendMessage(Errors.NONE)
+    var commitErrors: Option[immutable.Map[TopicIdPartition, Errors]] = None
+    def callback(errors: immutable.Map[TopicIdPartition, Errors]): Unit = {
+      commitErrors = Some(errors)
+    }
+    assertEquals(0, TestUtils.totalMetricValue(metrics, "offset-commit-count"))
+    groupMetadataManager.storeOffsets(group, memberId, offsetTopicPartition, 
offsets, callback, verificationGuard = None)
+    assertTrue(group.hasOffsets)
+    assertEquals(Some(Map(
+      topicIdPartition -> Errors.OFFSET_METADATA_TOO_LARGE,
+      validTopicIdPartition -> Errors.NONE)
+    ), commitErrors)
+    val cachedOffsets = groupMetadataManager.getOffsets(
+      groupId,
+      requireStable,
+      Some(Seq(topicIdPartition.topicPartition, 
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      Some(OffsetFetchResponse.INVALID_OFFSET),
+      cachedOffsets.get(topicIdPartition.topicPartition).map(_.offset)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      Some(Errors.NONE),
+      cachedOffsets.get(topicIdPartition.topicPartition).map(_.error)
+    )
+    assertEquals(
+      Some(offset),
+      cachedOffsets.get(validTopicIdPartition.topicPartition).map(_.offset)
+    )
+    assertEquals(1, TestUtils.totalMetricValue(metrics, "offset-commit-count"))
+  }
+  @Test
+  def testTransactionalCommitOffsetWithOffsetMetadataTooLargePartialFailure(): 
Unit = {
+    val memberId = ""
+    val foo0 = new TopicIdPartition(Uuid.randomUuid(), 0, "foo")
+    val foo1 = new TopicIdPartition(Uuid.randomUuid(), 1, "foo")
+    val producerId = 232L
+    val producerEpoch = 0.toShort
+    groupMetadataManager.addOwnedPartition(groupPartitionId)
+    val group = new GroupMetadata(groupId, Empty, time)
+    groupMetadataManager.addGroup(group)
+    val offsetTopicPartition = new 
+    val offsets = immutable.Map(
+      foo0 -> OffsetAndMetadata(37, "", time.milliseconds()),
+      foo1 -> OffsetAndMetadata(38, "s" * (offsetConfig.maxMetadataSize + 1), 
+    )
+    val capturedResponseCallback: ArgumentCaptor[Map[TopicPartition, 
PartitionResponse] => Unit] =
+      ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[Map[TopicPartition, PartitionResponse] 
=> Unit])
+    var commitErrors: Option[immutable.Map[TopicIdPartition, Errors]] = None
+    def callback(errors: immutable.Map[TopicIdPartition, Errors]): Unit = {
+      commitErrors = Some(errors)
+    }
+    val verificationGuard = new VerificationGuard()
+    groupMetadataManager.storeOffsets(
+      group,
+      memberId,
+      offsetTopicPartition,
+      offsets,
+      callback,
+      producerId,
+      producerEpoch,
+      verificationGuard = Some(verificationGuard)
+    )
+    assertTrue(group.hasOffsets)
+    assertTrue(group.allOffsets.isEmpty)
+    verify(replicaManager).appendRecords(anyLong(),
+      anyShort(),
+      any(),
+      any(),
+      any[Map[TopicPartition, MemoryRecords]],
+      capturedResponseCallback.capture(),
+      any[Option[ReentrantLock]],
+      any(),
+      any(),
+      any(),
+      ArgumentMatchers.eq(Map(offsetTopicPartition -> verificationGuard)))
+    verify(replicaManager).getMagic(any())
+    capturedResponseCallback.getValue.apply(Map(groupTopicPartition ->
+      new PartitionResponse(Errors.NONE, 0L, RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP, 0L)))
+    assertEquals(Some(Map(
+      foo0 -> Errors.NONE,
+      foo1 -> Errors.OFFSET_METADATA_TOO_LARGE
+    )), commitErrors)
+    assertTrue(group.hasOffsets)
+    assertTrue(group.allOffsets.isEmpty)
+    group.completePendingTxnOffsetCommit(producerId, isCommit = true)

Review Comment:
   yes, if the client does not retry the failed offset and commit the 
transaction. we basically commit whatever is pending.

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