
ASF GitHub Bot commented on KAFKA-7063:

hachikuji closed pull request #5240: KAFKA-7063: Update documentation to remove 
references to old producers and consumers
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/5240

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/docs/api.html b/docs/api.html
index 015d5140bd0..ea511b44453 100644
--- a/docs/api.html
+++ b/docs/api.html
@@ -115,12 +115,6 @@ <h3><a id="adminapi" href="#adminapi">2.5 AdminClient 
        For more information about the AdminClient APIs, see the <a 
 title="Kafka {{dotVersion}} Javadoc">javadoc</a>.
-       <h3><a id="legacyapis" href="#legacyapis">2.6 Legacy APIs</a></h3>
-       <p>
-       A more limited legacy producer and consumer api is also included in 
Kafka. These old Scala APIs are deprecated and only still available for 
compatibility purposes. Information on them can be found here <a 
href="/081/documentation.html#producerapi"  title="Kafka 0.8.1 Docs">
-       here</a>.
-       </p>
 <div class="p-api"></div>
diff --git a/docs/configuration.html b/docs/configuration.html
index e5576f9263b..bde53a749c7 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.html
+++ b/docs/configuration.html
@@ -260,190 +260,14 @@ <h3><a id="topicconfigs" href="#topicconfigs">3.2 
Topic-Level Configs</a></h3>
   <h3><a id="producerconfigs" href="#producerconfigs">3.3 Producer 
-  Below is the configuration of the Java producer:
+  Below is the configuration of the producer:
   <!--#include virtual="generated/producer_config.html" -->
-  <p>
-      For those interested in the legacy Scala producer configs, information 
can be found <a 
-      here</a>.
-  </p>
   <h3><a id="consumerconfigs" href="#consumerconfigs">3.4 Consumer 
-  In we introduced the new Java consumer as a replacement for the 
older Scala-based simple and high-level consumers.
-  The configs for both new and old consumers are described below.
-  <h4><a id="newconsumerconfigs" href="#newconsumerconfigs">3.4.1 New Consumer 
-  Below is the configuration for the new consumer:
+  Below is the configuration for the consumer:
   <!--#include virtual="generated/consumer_config.html" -->
-  <h4><a id="oldconsumerconfigs" href="#oldconsumerconfigs">3.4.2 Old Consumer 
-  The essential old consumer configurations are the following:
-  <ul>
-          <li><code>group.id</code>
-          <li><code>zookeeper.connect</code>
-  </ul>
-  <table class="data-table">
-  <tbody><tr>
-          <th>Property</th>
-          <th>Default</th>
-          <th>Description</th>
-  </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>group.id</td>
-        <td colspan="1"></td>
-        <td>A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumer processes 
to which this consumer belongs. By setting the same group id multiple processes 
indicate that they are all part of the same consumer group.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>zookeeper.connect</td>
-        <td colspan="1"></td>
-            <td>Specifies the ZooKeeper connection string in the form 
<code>hostname:port</code> where host and port are the host and port of a 
ZooKeeper server. To allow connecting through other ZooKeeper nodes when that 
ZooKeeper machine is down you can also specify multiple hosts in the form 
-          <p>
-      The server may also have a ZooKeeper chroot path as part of its 
ZooKeeper connection string which puts its data under some path in the global 
ZooKeeper namespace. If so the consumer should use the same chroot path in its 
connection string. For example to give a chroot path of 
<code>/chroot/path</code> you would give the connection string as  
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>consumer.id</td>
-        <td colspan="1">null</td>
-        <td>
-          <p>Generated automatically if not set.</p>
-      </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>socket.timeout.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">30 * 1000</td>
-        <td>The socket timeout for network requests. The actual timeout set 
will be fetch.wait.max.ms + socket.timeout.ms.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>socket.receive.buffer.bytes</td>
-        <td colspan="1">64 * 1024</td>
-        <td>The socket receive buffer for network requests</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>fetch.message.max.bytes</td>
-        <td nowrap>1024 * 1024</td>
-        <td>The number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch for each 
topic-partition in each fetch request. These bytes will be read into memory for 
each partition, so this helps control the memory used by the consumer. The 
fetch request size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the 
server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger 
than the consumer can fetch.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>num.consumer.fetchers</td>
-        <td colspan="1">1</td>
-        <td>The number fetcher threads used to fetch data.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>auto.commit.enable</td>
-        <td colspan="1">true</td>
-        <td>If true, periodically commit to ZooKeeper the offset of messages 
already fetched by the consumer. This committed offset will be used when the 
process fails as the position from which the new consumer will begin.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>auto.commit.interval.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">60 * 1000</td>
-        <td>The frequency in ms that the consumer offsets are committed to 
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>queued.max.message.chunks</td>
-        <td colspan="1">2</td>
-        <td>Max number of message chunks buffered for consumption. Each chunk 
can be up to fetch.message.max.bytes.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>rebalance.max.retries</td>
-        <td colspan="1">4</td>
-        <td>When a new consumer joins a consumer group the set of consumers 
attempt to "rebalance" the load to assign partitions to each consumer. If the 
set of consumers changes while this assignment is taking place the rebalance 
will fail and retry. This setting controls the maximum number of attempts 
before giving up.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>fetch.min.bytes</td>
-        <td colspan="1">1</td>
-        <td>The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch 
request. If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much 
data to accumulate before answering the request.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>fetch.wait.max.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">100</td>
-        <td>The maximum amount of time the server will block before answering 
the fetch request if there isn't sufficient data to immediately satisfy 
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>rebalance.backoff.ms</td>
-        <td>2000</td>
-        <td>Backoff time between retries during rebalance. If not set 
explicitly, the value in zookeeper.sync.time.ms is used.
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>refresh.leader.backoff.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">200</td>
-        <td>Backoff time to wait before trying to determine the leader of a 
partition that has just lost its leader.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>auto.offset.reset</td>
-        <td colspan="1">largest</td>
-        <td>
-          <p>What to do when there is no initial offset in ZooKeeper or if an 
offset is out of range:<br/>* smallest : automatically reset the offset to the 
smallest offset<br/>* largest : automatically reset the offset to the largest 
offset<br/>* anything else: throw exception to the consumer</p>
-      </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>consumer.timeout.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">-1</td>
-        <td>Throw a timeout exception to the consumer if no message is 
available for consumption after the specified interval</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>exclude.internal.topics</td>
-        <td colspan="1">true</td>
-        <td>Whether messages from internal topics (such as offsets) should be 
exposed to the consumer.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>client.id</td>
-        <td colspan="1">group id value</td>
-        <td>The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to 
help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the 
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>zookeeper.session.timeout.ms </td>
-        <td colspan="1">6000</td>
-        <td>ZooKeeper session timeout. If the consumer fails to heartbeat to 
ZooKeeper for this period of time it is considered dead and a rebalance will 
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">6000</td>
-        <td>The max time that the client waits while establishing a connection 
to zookeeper.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>zookeeper.sync.time.ms </td>
-        <td colspan="1">2000</td>
-        <td>How far a ZK follower can be behind a ZK leader</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>offsets.storage</td>
-        <td colspan="1">zookeeper</td>
-        <td>Select where offsets should be stored (zookeeper or kafka).</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>offsets.channel.backoff.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">1000</td>
-        <td>The backoff period when reconnecting the offsets channel or 
retrying failed offset fetch/commit requests.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>offsets.channel.socket.timeout.ms</td>
-        <td colspan="1">10000</td>
-        <td>Socket timeout when reading responses for offset fetch/commit 
requests. This timeout is also used for ConsumerMetadata requests that are used 
to query for the offset manager.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>offsets.commit.max.retries</td>
-        <td colspan="1">5</td>
-        <td>Retry the offset commit up to this many times on failure. This 
retry count only applies to offset commits during shut-down. It does not apply 
to commits originating from the auto-commit thread. It also does not apply to 
attempts to query for the offset coordinator before committing offsets. i.e., 
if a consumer metadata request fails for any reason, it will be retried and 
that retry does not count toward this limit.</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>dual.commit.enabled</td>
-        <td colspan="1">true</td>
-        <td>If you are using "kafka" as offsets.storage, you can dual commit 
offsets to ZooKeeper (in addition to Kafka). This is required during migration 
from zookeeper-based offset storage to kafka-based offset storage. With respect 
to any given consumer group, it is safe to turn this off after all instances 
within that group have been migrated to the new version that commits offsets to 
the broker (instead of directly to ZooKeeper).</td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
-        <td>partition.assignment.strategy</td>
-        <td colspan="1">range</td>
-        <td><p>Select between the "range" or "roundrobin" strategy for 
assigning partitions to consumer streams.<p>The round-robin partition assignor 
lays out all the available partitions and all the available consumer threads. 
It then proceeds to do a round-robin assignment from partition to consumer 
thread. If the subscriptions of all consumer instances are identical, then the 
partitions will be uniformly distributed. (i.e., the partition ownership counts 
will be within a delta of exactly one across all consumer threads.) Round-robin 
assignment is permitted only if: (a) Every topic has the same number of streams 
within a consumer instance (b) The set of subscribed topics is identical for 
every consumer instance within the group.<p> Range partitioning works on a 
per-topic basis. For each topic, we lay out the available partitions in numeric 
order and the consumer threads in lexicographic order. We then divide the 
number of partitions by the total number of consumer streams (threads) to 
determine the number of partitions to assign to each consumer. If it does not 
evenly divide, then the first few consumers will have one extra partition.</td>
-      </tr>
-  </tbody>
-  </table>
-  <p>More details about consumer configuration can be found in the scala class 
   <h3><a id="connectconfigs" href="#connectconfigs">3.5 Kafka Connect 
   Below is the configuration of the Kafka Connect framework.
   <!--#include virtual="generated/connect_config.html" -->
diff --git a/docs/implementation.html b/docs/implementation.html
index 8e1c50a6895..4ecce7b4485 100644
--- a/docs/implementation.html
+++ b/docs/implementation.html
@@ -231,31 +231,29 @@ <h4><a id="impl_guarantees" 
     <h3><a id="distributionimpl" href="#distributionimpl">5.5 
     <h4><a id="impl_offsettracking" href="#impl_offsettracking">Consumer 
Offset Tracking</a></h4>
-    The high-level consumer tracks the maximum offset it has consumed in each 
partition and periodically commits its offset vector so that it can resume from 
those offsets in the event of a restart. Kafka provides the option to store all 
the offsets for a given consumer group in a designated broker (for that group) 
called the <i>offset manager</i>. i.e., any consumer instance in that consumer 
group should send its offset commits and fetches to that offset manager 
(broker). The high-level consumer handles this automatically. If you use the 
simple consumer you will need to manage offsets manually. This is currently 
unsupported in the Java simple consumer which can only commit or fetch offsets 
in ZooKeeper. If you use the Scala simple consumer you can discover the offset 
manager and explicitly commit or fetch offsets to the offset manager. A 
consumer can look up its offset manager by issuing a GroupCoordinatorRequest to 
any Kafka broker and reading the GroupCoordinatorResponse which will contain 
the offset manager. The consumer can then proceed to commit or fetch offsets 
from the offsets manager broker. In case the offset manager moves, the consumer 
will need to rediscover the offset manager. If you wish to manage your offsets 
manually, you can take a look at these <a 
 samples that explain how to issue OffsetCommitRequest and 
+    Kafka consumer tracks the maximum offset it has consumed in each partition 
and has the capability to commit offsets so
+        that it can resume from those offsets in the event of a restart. Kafka 
provides the option to store all the offsets for
+        a given consumer group in a designated broker (for that group) called 
the group coordinator.  i.e., any consumer instance
+        in that consumer group should send its offset commits and fetches to 
that group coordinator (broker). Consumer groups are
+        assigned to coordinators based on their group names. A consumer can 
look up its coordinator by issuing a FindCoordinatorRequest
+        to any Kafka broker and reading the FindCoordinatorResponse which will 
contain the coordinator details. The consumer
+        can then proceed to commit or fetch offsets from the coordinator 
broker. In case the coordinator moves, the consumer will
+        need to rediscover the coordinator. Offset commits can be done 
automatically or manually by consumer instance.
-    When the offset manager receives an OffsetCommitRequest, it appends the 
request to a special <a href="#compaction">compacted</a> Kafka topic named 
<i>__consumer_offsets</i>. The offset manager sends a successful offset commit 
response to the consumer only after all the replicas of the offsets topic 
receive the offsets. In case the offsets fail to replicate within a 
configurable timeout, the offset commit will fail and the consumer may retry 
the commit after backing off. (This is done automatically by the high-level 
consumer.) The brokers periodically compact the offsets topic since it only 
needs to maintain the most recent offset commit per partition. The offset 
manager also caches the offsets in an in-memory table in order to serve offset 
fetches quickly.
+    When the group coordinator receives an OffsetCommitRequest, it appends the 
request to a special <a href="#compaction">compacted</a> Kafka topic named 
+        The broker sends a successful offset commit response to the consumer 
only after all the replicas of the offsets topic receive the offsets.
+        In case the offsets fail to replicate within a configurable timeout, 
the offset commit will fail and the consumer may retry the commit after backing 
+        The brokers periodically compact the offsets topic since it only needs 
to maintain the most recent offset commit per partition.
+        The coordinator also caches the offsets in an in-memory table in order 
to serve offset fetches quickly.
-    When the offset manager receives an offset fetch request, it simply 
returns the last committed offset vector from the offsets cache. In case the 
offset manager was just started or if it just became the offset manager for a 
new set of consumer groups (by becoming a leader for a partition of the offsets 
topic), it may need to load the offsets topic partition into the cache. In this 
case, the offset fetch will fail with an OffsetsLoadInProgress exception and 
the consumer may retry the OffsetFetchRequest after backing off. (This is done 
automatically by the high-level consumer.)
-    </p>
-    <h5><a id="offsetmigration" href="#offsetmigration">Migrating offsets from 
ZooKeeper to Kafka</a></h5>
-    <p>
-    Kafka consumers in earlier releases store their offsets by default in 
ZooKeeper. It is possible to migrate these consumers to commit offsets into 
Kafka by following these steps:
-    <ol>
-    <li>Set <code>offsets.storage=kafka</code> and 
<code>dual.commit.enabled=true</code> in your consumer config.
-    </li>
-    <li>Do a rolling bounce of your consumers and then verify that your 
consumers are healthy.
-    </li>
-    <li>Set <code>dual.commit.enabled=false</code> in your consumer config.
-    </li>
-    <li>Do a rolling bounce of your consumers and then verify that your 
consumers are healthy.
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    A roll-back (i.e., migrating from Kafka back to ZooKeeper) can also be 
performed using the above steps if you set 
+    When the coordinator receives an offset fetch request, it simply returns 
the last committed offset vector from the offsets cache.
+        In case coordinator was just started or if it just became the 
coordinator for a new set of consumer groups (by becoming a leader for a 
partition of the offsets topic),
+        it may need to load the offsets topic partition into the cache. In 
this case, the offset fetch will fail with an
+        CoordinatorLoadInProgressException and the consumer may retry the 
OffsetFetchRequest after backing off.
     <h4><a id="impl_zookeeper" href="#impl_zookeeper">ZooKeeper 
@@ -287,47 +285,6 @@ <h4><a id="impl_zktopic" href="#impl_zktopic">Broker Topic 
     Each broker registers itself under the topics it maintains and stores the 
number of partitions for that topic.
-    <h4><a id="impl_zkconsumers" href="#impl_zkconsumers">Consumers and 
Consumer Groups</a></h4>
-    <p>
-    Consumers of topics also register themselves in ZooKeeper, in order to 
coordinate with each other and balance the consumption of data. Consumers can 
also store their offsets in ZooKeeper by setting 
<code>offsets.storage=zookeeper</code>. However, this offset storage mechanism 
will be deprecated in a future release. Therefore, it is recommended to <a 
href="#offsetmigration">migrate offsets storage to Kafka</a>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Multiple consumers can form a group and jointly consume a single topic. 
Each consumer in the same group is given a shared group_id.
-    For example if one consumer is your foobar process, which is run across 
three machines, then you might assign this group of consumers the id "foobar". 
This group id is provided in the configuration of the consumer, and is your way 
to tell the consumer which group it belongs to.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    The consumers in a group divide up the partitions as fairly as possible, 
each partition is consumed by exactly one consumer in a consumer group.
-    </p>
-    <h4><a id="impl_zkconsumerid" href="#impl_zkconsumerid">Consumer Id 
-    <p>
-    In addition to the group_id which is shared by all consumers in a group, 
each consumer is given a transient, unique consumer_id (of the form 
hostname:uuid) for identification purposes. Consumer ids are registered in the 
following directory.
-    <pre class="brush: json;">
-    /consumers/[group_id]/ids/[consumer_id] --> 
(ephemeral node)
-    </pre>
-    Each of the consumers in the group registers under its group and creates a 
znode with its consumer_id. The value of the znode contains a map of &lt;topic, 
#streams&gt;. This id is simply used to identify each of the consumers which is 
currently active within a group. This is an ephemeral node so it will disappear 
if the consumer process dies.
-    </p>
-    <h4><a id="impl_zkconsumeroffsets" href="#impl_zkconsumeroffsets">Consumer 
-    <p>
-    Consumers track the maximum offset they have consumed in each partition. 
This value is stored in a ZooKeeper directory if 
-    </p>
-    <pre class="brush: json;">
-    /consumers/[group_id]/offsets/[topic]/[partition_id] --> 
offset_counter_value (persistent node)
-    </pre>
-    <h4><a id="impl_zkowner" href="#impl_zkowner">Partition Owner 
-    <p>
-    Each broker partition is consumed by a single consumer within a given 
consumer group. The consumer must establish its ownership of a given partition 
before any consumption can begin. To establish its ownership, a consumer writes 
its own id in an ephemeral node under the particular broker partition it is 
-    </p>
-    <pre class="brush: json;">
-    /consumers/[group_id]/owners/[topic]/[partition_id] --> consumer_node_id 
(ephemeral node)
-    </pre>
     <h4><a id="impl_clusterid" href="#impl_clusterid">Cluster Id</a></h4>
@@ -342,45 +299,6 @@ <h4><a id="impl_brokerregistration" 
href="#impl_brokerregistration">Broker node
     The broker nodes are basically independent, so they only publish 
information about what they have. When a broker joins, it registers itself 
under the broker node registry directory and writes information about its host 
name and port. The broker also register the list of existing topics and their 
logical partitions in the broker topic registry. New topics are registered 
dynamically when they are created on the broker.
-    <h4><a id="impl_consumerregistration" 
href="#impl_consumerregistration">Consumer registration algorithm</a></h4>
-    <p>
-    When a consumer starts, it does the following:
-    <ol>
-    <li> Register itself in the consumer id registry under its group.
-    </li>
-    <li> Register a watch on changes (new consumers joining or any existing 
consumers leaving) under the consumer id registry. (Each change triggers 
rebalancing among all consumers within the group to which the changed consumer 
-    </li>
-    <li> Register a watch on changes (new brokers joining or any existing 
brokers leaving) under the broker id registry. (Each change triggers 
rebalancing among all consumers in all consumer groups.) </li>
-    <li> If the consumer creates a message stream using a topic filter, it 
also registers a watch on changes (new topics being added) under the broker 
topic registry. (Each change will trigger re-evaluation of the available topics 
to determine which topics are allowed by the topic filter. A new allowed topic 
will trigger rebalancing among all consumers within the consumer group.)</li>
-    <li> Force itself to rebalance within in its consumer group.
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    </p>
-    <h4><a id="impl_consumerrebalance" href="#impl_consumerrebalance">Consumer 
rebalancing algorithm</a></h4>
-    <p>
-    The consumer rebalancing algorithms allows all the consumers in a group to 
come into consensus on which consumer is consuming which partitions. Consumer 
rebalancing is triggered on each addition or removal of both broker nodes and 
other consumers within the same group. For a given topic and a given consumer 
group, broker partitions are divided evenly among consumers within the group. A 
partition is always consumed by a single consumer. This design simplifies the 
implementation. Had we allowed a partition to be concurrently consumed by 
multiple consumers, there would be contention on the partition and some kind of 
locking would be required. If there are more consumers than partitions, some 
consumers won't get any data at all. During rebalancing, we try to assign 
partitions to consumers in such a way that reduces the number of broker nodes 
each consumer has to connect to.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Each consumer does the following during rebalancing:
-    </p>
-    <pre class="brush: text;">
-    1. For each topic T that C<sub>i</sub> subscribes to
-    2.   let P<sub>T</sub> be all partitions producing topic T
-    3.   let C<sub>G</sub> be all consumers in the same group as C<sub>i</sub> 
that consume topic T
-    4.   sort P<sub>T</sub> (so partitions on the same broker are clustered 
-    5.   sort C<sub>G</sub>
-    6.   let i be the index position of C<sub>i</sub> in C<sub>G</sub> and let 
N = size(P<sub>T</sub>)/size(C<sub>G</sub>)
-    7.   assign partitions from i*N to (i+1)*N - 1 to consumer C<sub>i</sub>
-    8.   remove current entries owned by C<sub>i</sub> from the partition 
owner registry
-    9.   add newly assigned partitions to the partition owner registry
-            (we may need to re-try this until the original partition owner 
releases its ownership)
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    When rebalancing is triggered at one consumer, rebalancing should be 
triggered in other consumers within the same group about the same time.
-    </p>
 <div class="p-implementation"></div>
diff --git a/docs/ops.html b/docs/ops.html
index 1445bfd2d25..9d4f6cc4dfe 100644
--- a/docs/ops.html
+++ b/docs/ops.html
@@ -127,12 +127,7 @@ <h4><a id="basic_ops_mirror_maker" 
href="#basic_ops_mirror_maker">Mirroring data
         --producer.config producer.properties --whitelist my-topic
   Note that we specify the list of topics with the <code>--whitelist</code> 
option. This option allows any regular expression using <a 
 regular expressions</a>. So you could mirror two topics named <i>A</i> and 
<i>B</i> using <code>--whitelist 'A|B'</code>. Or you could mirror <i>all</i> 
topics using <code>--whitelist '*'</code>. Make sure to quote any regular 
expression to ensure the shell doesn't try to expand it as a file path. For 
convenience we allow the use of ',' instead of '|' to specify a list of topics.
-  <p>
-  Sometimes it is easier to say what it is that you <i>don't</i> want. Instead 
of using <code>--whitelist</code> to say what you want
-  to mirror you can use <code>--blacklist</code> to say what to exclude. This 
also takes a regular expression argument.
-  However, <code>--blacklist</code> is not supported when the new consumer has 
been enabled (i.e. when <code>bootstrap.servers</code>
-  has been defined in the consumer configuration).
-  <p>
   Combining mirroring with the configuration 
<code>auto.create.topics.enable=true</code> makes it possible to have a replica 
cluster that will automatically create and replicate all data in a source 
cluster even as new topics are added.
   <h4><a id="basic_ops_consumer_lag" href="#basic_ops_consumer_lag">Checking 
consumer position</a></h4>
@@ -140,29 +135,15 @@ <h4><a id="basic_ops_consumer_lag" 
href="#basic_ops_consumer_lag">Checking consu
   <pre class="brush: bash;">
   &gt; bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 
--describe --group my-group
-  Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java 
consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers).
LAG        CONSUMER-ID                                       HOST               
   my-topic                       0          2               4               2  
        consumer-1-029af89c-873c-4751-a720-cefd41a669d6   /            
   my-topic                       1          2               3               1  
        consumer-1-029af89c-873c-4751-a720-cefd41a669d6   /            
   my-topic                       2          2               3               1  
        consumer-2-42c1abd4-e3b2-425d-a8bb-e1ea49b29bb2   /            
-  This tool also works with ZooKeeper-based consumers:
-  <pre class="brush: bash;">
-  &gt; bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe 
--group my-group
-  Note: This will only show information about consumers that use ZooKeeper 
(not those using the Java consumer API).
-  my-topic                       0          2               4               2  
-  my-topic                       1          2               3               1  
-  my-topic                       2          2               3               1  
-  </pre>
   <h4><a id="basic_ops_consumer_group" 
href="#basic_ops_consumer_group">Managing Consumer Groups</a></h4>
-  With the ConsumerGroupCommand tool, we can list, describe, or delete 
consumer groups. When using the <a 
href="http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#newconsumerapi";>new consumer 
API</a> (where the broker handles coordination of partition handling and 
rebalance), the group can be deleted manually, or automatically when the last 
committed offset for that group expires. Manual deletion works only if the 
group does not have any active members.
+  With the ConsumerGroupCommand tool, we can list, describe, or delete the 
consumer groups. The consumer group can be deleted manually, or automatically 
when the last committed offset for that group expires. Manual deletion works 
only if the group does not have any active members.
   For example, to list all consumer groups across all topics:
@@ -186,7 +167,7 @@ <h4><a id="basic_ops_consumer_group" 
href="#basic_ops_consumer_group">Managing C
   topic3          2          243655          398812          155157          
consumer4-117fe4d3-c6c1-4178-8ee9-eb4a3954bee0 /      consumer4
-  There are a number of additional "describe" options that can be used to 
provide more detailed information about a consumer group that uses the new 
consumer API:
+  There are a number of additional "describe" options that can be used to 
provide more detailed information about a consumer group:
     <li>--members: This option provides the list of all active members in the 
consumer group.
       <pre class="brush: bash;">
@@ -225,7 +206,6 @@ <h4><a id="basic_ops_consumer_group" 
href="#basic_ops_consumer_group">Managing C
   <pre class="brush: bash;">
   &gt; bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete 
--group my-group --group my-other-group
-  Note: This will not show information about old Zookeeper-based consumers.
   Deletion of requested consumer groups ('my-group', 'my-other-group') was 
@@ -660,14 +640,8 @@ <h3><a id="datacenters" href="#datacenters">6.2 
   <h3><a id="config" href="#config">6.3 Kafka Configuration</a></h3>
   <h4><a id="clientconfig" href="#clientconfig">Important Client 
-  The most important old Scala producer configurations control
-  <ul>
-      <li>acks</li>
-      <li>compression</li>
-      <li>sync vs async production</li>
-      <li>batch size (for async producers)</li>
-  </ul>
-  The most important new Java producer configurations control
+  The most important producer configurations are:
@@ -805,7 +779,7 @@ <h5><a id="ext4" href="#ext4">EXT4 Notes</a></h5>
   <h3><a id="monitoring" href="#monitoring">6.6 Monitoring</a></h3>
-  Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in the server and Scala 
clients. The Java clients use Kafka Metrics, a built-in metrics registry that 
minimizes transitive dependencies pulled into client applications. Both expose 
metrics via JMX and can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats 
reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.
+  Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in the server. The Java 
clients use Kafka Metrics, a built-in metrics registry that minimizes 
transitive dependencies pulled into client applications. Both expose metrics 
via JMX and can be configured to report stats using pluggable stats reporters 
to hook up to your monitoring system.
   All Kafka rate metrics have a corresponding cumulative count metric with 
suffix <code>-total</code>. For example,
   <code>records-consumed-rate</code> has a corresponding metric named 
@@ -985,10 +959,7 @@ <h3><a id="monitoring" href="#monitoring">6.6 
         <td>Number of messages the consumer lags behind the producer by. 
Published by the consumer, not broker.</td>
-        <td>
-          <p><em>Old consumer:</em> 
-          <p><em>New consumer:</em> 
Attribute: records-lag-max</p>
-        </td>
Attribute: records-lag-max</td>
@@ -1295,11 +1266,11 @@ <h5><a id="producer_sender_monitoring" 
   <!--#include virtual="generated/producer_metrics.html" -->
-  <h4><a id="new_consumer_monitoring" href="#new_consumer_monitoring">New 
consumer monitoring</a></h4>
+  <h4><a id="consumer_monitoring" href="#consumer_monitoring">consumer 
-  The following metrics are available on new consumer instances.
+  The following metrics are available on consumer instances.
-  <h5><a id="new_consumer_group_monitoring" 
href="#new_consumer_group_monitoring">Consumer Group Metrics</a></h5>
+  <h5><a id="consumer_group_monitoring" 
href="#consumer_group_monitoring">Consumer Group Metrics</a></h5>
   <table class="data-table">
@@ -1395,7 +1366,7 @@ <h5><a id="new_consumer_group_monitoring" 
-  <h5><a id="new_consumer_fetch_monitoring" 
href="#new_consumer_fetch_monitoring">Consumer Fetch Metrics</a></h5>
+  <h5><a id="consumer_fetch_monitoring" 
href="#consumer_fetch_monitoring">Consumer Fetch Metrics</a></h5>
   <!--#include virtual="generated/consumer_metrics.html" -->
diff --git a/docs/security.html b/docs/security.html
index 743d673fe80..d7859e08d72 100644
--- a/docs/security.html
+++ b/docs/security.html
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ <h4><a id="zk_authz_new" href="#zk_authz_new">7.6.1 New 
         <li> Set the configuration property <tt>zookeeper.set.acl</tt> in each 
broker to true</li>
-    The metadata stored in ZooKeeper for the Kafka cluster is world-readable, 
but can only be modified by the brokers. The rationale behind this decision is 
that the data stored in ZooKeeper is not sensitive, but inappropriate 
manipulation of that data can cause cluster disruption. We also recommend 
limiting the access to ZooKeeper via network segmentation (only brokers and 
some admin tools need access to ZooKeeper if the new Java consumer and producer 
clients are used).
+    The metadata stored in ZooKeeper for the Kafka cluster is world-readable, 
but can only be modified by the brokers. The rationale behind this decision is 
that the data stored in ZooKeeper is not sensitive, but inappropriate 
manipulation of that data can cause cluster disruption. We also recommend 
limiting the access to ZooKeeper via network segmentation (only brokers and 
some admin tools need access to ZooKeeper).
     <h4><a id="zk_authz_migration" href="#zk_authz_migration">7.6.2 Migrating 
     If you are running a version of Kafka that does not support security or 
simply with security disabled, and you want to make the cluster secure, then 
you need to execute the following steps to enable ZooKeeper authentication with 
minimal disruption to your operations:
diff --git a/docs/toc.html b/docs/toc.html
index e7d939e72b7..f1897fe3a0c 100644
--- a/docs/toc.html
+++ b/docs/toc.html
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
                 <li><a href="/{{version}}/documentation/streams">2.3 Streams 
                 <li><a href="#connectapi">2.4 Connect API</a>
                 <li><a href="#adminapi">2.5 AdminClient API</a>
-                <li><a href="#legacyapis">2.6 Legacy APIs</a>
         <li><a href="#configuration">3. Configuration</a>
@@ -45,10 +44,6 @@
                 <li><a href="#topicconfigs">3.2 Topic Configs</a>
                 <li><a href="#producerconfigs">3.3 Producer Configs</a>
                 <li><a href="#consumerconfigs">3.4 Consumer Configs</a>
-                    <ul>
-                        <li><a href="#newconsumerconfigs">3.4.1 New Consumer 
-                        <li><a href="#oldconsumerconfigs">3.4.2 Old Consumer 
-                    </ul>
                 <li><a href="#connectconfigs">3.5 Kafka Connect Configs</a>
                 <li><a href="#streamsconfigs">3.6 Kafka Streams Configs</a>
                 <li><a href="#adminclientconfigs">3.7 AdminClient Configs</a>


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> Update documentation to remove references to old producers and consumers
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-7063
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7063
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Ismael Juma
>            Assignee: Manikumar
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: newbie
> We should also remove any mention of "new consumer" or "new producer". They 
> should just be "producer" and "consumer".
> Finally, any mention of "Scala producer/consumer/client" should also be 
> removed.

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