mimaison commented on a change in pull request #8295:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/8295#discussion_r490940439

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/KafkaApis.scala
@@ -910,136 +913,161 @@ class KafkaApis(val requestChannel: RequestChannel,
   def handleListOffsetRequest(request: RequestChannel.Request): Unit = {
     val version = request.header.apiVersion
-    val mergedResponseMap = if (version == 0)
+    val topics = if (version == 0)
-    sendResponseMaybeThrottle(request, requestThrottleMs => new 
ListOffsetResponse(requestThrottleMs, mergedResponseMap.asJava))
+    sendResponseMaybeThrottle(request, requestThrottleMs => new 
ListOffsetResponse(new ListOffsetResponseData()
+      .setThrottleTimeMs(requestThrottleMs)
+      .setTopics(topics.asJava)))
-  private def handleListOffsetRequestV0(request : RequestChannel.Request) : 
Map[TopicPartition, ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData] = {
+  private def handleListOffsetRequestV0(request : RequestChannel.Request) : 
List[ListOffsetTopicResponse] = {
     val correlationId = request.header.correlationId
     val clientId = request.header.clientId
     val offsetRequest = request.body[ListOffsetRequest]
-    val partitionTimestamps = offsetRequest.partitionTimestamps.asScala
-    val (authorizedRequestInfo, unauthorizedRequestInfo) = 
-      DESCRIBE, TOPIC, partitionTimestamps)(_.topic)
-    val unauthorizedResponseStatus = unauthorizedRequestInfo.map { case (k, _) 
-      k -> new 
-    }
-    val responseMap = authorizedRequestInfo.map { case (topicPartition, 
partitionData) =>
-      try {
-        val offsets = replicaManager.legacyFetchOffsetsForTimestamp(
-          topicPartition = topicPartition,
-          timestamp = partitionData.timestamp,
-          maxNumOffsets = partitionData.maxNumOffsets,
-          isFromConsumer = offsetRequest.replicaId == 
-          fetchOnlyFromLeader = offsetRequest.replicaId != 
-        (topicPartition, new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.NONE, 
-      } catch {
-        // NOTE: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException and 
NotLeaderOrFollowerException are special cased since these error messages
-        // are typically transient and there is no value in logging the entire 
stack trace for the same
-        case e @ (_ : UnknownTopicOrPartitionException |
-                  _ : NotLeaderOrFollowerException |
-                  _ : KafkaStorageException) =>
-          debug("Offset request with correlation id %d from client %s on 
partition %s failed due to %s".format(
-            correlationId, clientId, topicPartition, e.getMessage))
-          (topicPartition, new 
ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.forException(e), List[JLong]().asJava))
-        case e: Throwable =>
-          error("Error while responding to offset request", e)
-          (topicPartition, new 
ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.forException(e), List[JLong]().asJava))
-      }
-    }
-    responseMap ++ unauthorizedResponseStatus
-  }
-  private def handleListOffsetRequestV1AndAbove(request : 
RequestChannel.Request): Map[TopicPartition, ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData] 
= {
-    val correlationId = request.header.correlationId
-    val clientId = request.header.clientId
-    val offsetRequest = request.body[ListOffsetRequest]
-    val (authorizedRequestInfo, unauthorizedRequestInfo) = 
-      DESCRIBE, TOPIC, offsetRequest.partitionTimestamps.asScala)(_.topic)
+    val (authorizedRequestInfo, unauthorizedRequestInfo) = 
+        DESCRIBE, TOPIC, offsetRequest.topics.asScala.toSeq)(_.name)
-    val unauthorizedResponseStatus = unauthorizedRequestInfo.map { case (k, _) 
-      k -> new 
-        ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP,
-        ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET,
-        Optional.empty())
-    }
-    val responseMap = authorizedRequestInfo.map { case (topicPartition, 
partitionData) =>
-      if (offsetRequest.duplicatePartitions.contains(topicPartition)) {
-        debug(s"OffsetRequest with correlation id $correlationId from client 
$clientId on partition $topicPartition " +
-            s"failed because the partition is duplicated in the request.")
-        (topicPartition, new 
-          ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP,
-          ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET,
-          Optional.empty()))
-      } else {
+    val unauthorizedResponseStatus = unauthorizedRequestInfo.map(topic =>
+      new ListOffsetTopicResponse()
+        .setName(topic.name)
+        .setPartitions(topic.partitions.asScala.map(partition =>
+          new ListOffsetPartitionResponse()
+            .setPartitionIndex(partition.partitionIndex)
+            .setErrorCode(Errors.TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED.code)).asJava)
+    )
-        def buildErrorResponse(e: Errors): (TopicPartition, 
ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData) = {
-          (topicPartition, new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(
-            e,
-            ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_TIMESTAMP,
-            ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET,
-            Optional.empty()))
-        }
+    val responseTopics = authorizedRequestInfo.map { topic =>
+      val responsePartitions = topic.partitions.asScala.map { partition =>
+        val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic.name, 
         try {
-          val fetchOnlyFromLeader = offsetRequest.replicaId != 
-          val isClientRequest = offsetRequest.replicaId == 
-          val isolationLevelOpt = if (isClientRequest)
-            Some(offsetRequest.isolationLevel)
-          else
-            None
-          val foundOpt = replicaManager.fetchOffsetForTimestamp(topicPartition,
-            partitionData.timestamp,
-            isolationLevelOpt,
-            partitionData.currentLeaderEpoch,
-            fetchOnlyFromLeader)
-          val response = foundOpt match {
-            case Some(found) =>
-              new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.NONE, 
found.timestamp, found.offset, found.leaderEpoch)
-            case None =>
-              new ListOffsetResponse.PartitionData(Errors.NONE, 
-                ListOffsetResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET, Optional.empty())
-          }
-          (topicPartition, response)
+          val offsets = replicaManager.legacyFetchOffsetsForTimestamp(
+            topicPartition = topicPartition,
+            timestamp = partition.timestamp,
+            maxNumOffsets = partition.maxNumOffsets,
+            isFromConsumer = offsetRequest.replicaId == 
+            fetchOnlyFromLeader = offsetRequest.replicaId != 
+          new ListOffsetPartitionResponse()
+            .setPartitionIndex(partition.partitionIndex)
+            .setErrorCode(Errors.NONE.code)
+            .setOldStyleOffsets(offsets.map(JLong.valueOf).asJava)
         } catch {
-          // NOTE: These exceptions are special cased since these error 
messages are typically transient or the client
-          // would have received a clear exception and there is no value in 
logging the entire stack trace for the same
+          // NOTE: UnknownTopicOrPartitionException and 
NotLeaderOrFollowerException are special cases since these error messages

Review comment:
       This message has not changed. The way Github shows the diff here is 
confusing. If you look at 
 on the right (which is the matching logic) you'll see it's already there.

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