ijuma commented on a change in pull request #9162:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/9162#discussion_r511620727

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/log/Log.scala
@@ -1099,171 +1099,169 @@ class Log(@volatile private var _dir: File,
       val appendInfo = analyzeAndValidateRecords(records, origin, 
       // return if we have no valid messages or if this is a duplicate of the 
last appended entry
-      if (appendInfo.shallowCount == 0)
-        return appendInfo
+      if (appendInfo.shallowCount == 0) appendInfo
+      else {
-      // trim any invalid bytes or partial messages before appending it to the 
on-disk log
-      var validRecords = trimInvalidBytes(records, appendInfo)
+        // trim any invalid bytes or partial messages before appending it to 
the on-disk log
+        var validRecords = trimInvalidBytes(records, appendInfo)
-      // they are valid, insert them in the log
-      lock synchronized {
-        checkIfMemoryMappedBufferClosed()
-        if (assignOffsets) {
-          // assign offsets to the message set
-          val offset = new LongRef(nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset)
-          appendInfo.firstOffset = Some(offset.value)
-          val now = time.milliseconds
-          val validateAndOffsetAssignResult = try {
-            LogValidator.validateMessagesAndAssignOffsets(validRecords,
-              topicPartition,
-              offset,
-              time,
-              now,
-              appendInfo.sourceCodec,
-              appendInfo.targetCodec,
-              config.compact,
-              config.messageFormatVersion.recordVersion.value,
-              config.messageTimestampType,
-              config.messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs,
-              leaderEpoch,
-              origin,
-              interBrokerProtocolVersion,
-              brokerTopicStats)
-          } catch {
-            case e: IOException =>
-              throw new KafkaException(s"Error validating messages while 
appending to log $name", e)
-          }
-          validRecords = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.validatedRecords
-          appendInfo.maxTimestamp = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.maxTimestamp
-          appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp = 
-          appendInfo.lastOffset = offset.value - 1
-          appendInfo.recordConversionStats = 
-          if (config.messageTimestampType == TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME)
-            appendInfo.logAppendTime = now
-          // re-validate message sizes if there's a possibility that they have 
changed (due to re-compression or message
-          // format conversion)
-          if (!ignoreRecordSize && 
validateAndOffsetAssignResult.messageSizeMaybeChanged) {
-            for (batch <- validRecords.batches.asScala) {
-              if (batch.sizeInBytes > config.maxMessageSize) {
-                // we record the original message set size instead of the 
trimmed size
-                // to be consistent with pre-compression bytesRejectedRate 
-                throw new RecordTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is 
${batch.sizeInBytes} bytes in append to" +
-                  s"partition $topicPartition which exceeds the maximum 
configured size of ${config.maxMessageSize}.")
-              }
+        // they are valid, insert them in the log
+        lock synchronized {
+          checkIfMemoryMappedBufferClosed()
+          if (assignOffsets) {
+            // assign offsets to the message set
+            val offset = new LongRef(nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset)
+            appendInfo.firstOffset = Some(offset.value)
+            val now = time.milliseconds
+            val validateAndOffsetAssignResult = try {
+              LogValidator.validateMessagesAndAssignOffsets(validRecords,
+                topicPartition,
+                offset,
+                time,
+                now,
+                appendInfo.sourceCodec,
+                appendInfo.targetCodec,
+                config.compact,
+                config.messageFormatVersion.recordVersion.value,
+                config.messageTimestampType,
+                config.messageTimestampDifferenceMaxMs,
+                leaderEpoch,
+                origin,
+                interBrokerProtocolVersion,
+                brokerTopicStats)
+            } catch {
+              case e: IOException =>
+                throw new KafkaException(s"Error validating messages while 
appending to log $name", e)
-          }
-        } else {
-          // we are taking the offsets we are given
-          if (!appendInfo.offsetsMonotonic)
-            throw new OffsetsOutOfOrderException(s"Out of order offsets found 
in append to $topicPartition: " +
-          if (appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch < 
nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset) {
-            // we may still be able to recover if the log is empty
-            // one example: fetching from log start offset on the leader which 
is not batch aligned,
-            // which may happen as a result of AdminClient#deleteRecords()
-            val firstOffset = appendInfo.firstOffset match {
-              case Some(offset) => offset
-              case None => records.batches.asScala.head.baseOffset()
+            validRecords = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.validatedRecords
+            appendInfo.maxTimestamp = 
+            appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp = 
+            appendInfo.lastOffset = offset.value - 1
+            appendInfo.recordConversionStats = 
+            if (config.messageTimestampType == TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME)
+              appendInfo.logAppendTime = now
+            // re-validate message sizes if there's a possibility that they 
have changed (due to re-compression or message
+            // format conversion)
+            if (!ignoreRecordSize && 
validateAndOffsetAssignResult.messageSizeMaybeChanged) {
+              for (batch <- validRecords.batches.asScala) {
+                if (batch.sizeInBytes > config.maxMessageSize) {
+                  // we record the original message set size instead of the 
trimmed size
+                  // to be consistent with pre-compression bytesRejectedRate 
+                  throw new RecordTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is 
${batch.sizeInBytes} bytes in append to" +
+                    s"partition $topicPartition which exceeds the maximum 
configured size of ${config.maxMessageSize}.")
+                }
+              }
+          } else {
+            // we are taking the offsets we are given
+            if (!appendInfo.offsetsMonotonic)
+              throw new OffsetsOutOfOrderException(s"Out of order offsets 
found in append to $topicPartition: " +
+                records.records.asScala.map(_.offset))
+            if (appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch < 
nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset) {
+              // we may still be able to recover if the log is empty
+              // one example: fetching from log start offset on the leader 
which is not batch aligned,
+              // which may happen as a result of AdminClient#deleteRecords()
+              val firstOffset = appendInfo.firstOffset match {
+                case Some(offset) => offset
+                case None => records.batches.asScala.head.baseOffset()
+              }
-            val firstOrLast = if (appendInfo.firstOffset.isDefined) "First 
offset" else "Last offset of the first batch"
-            throw new UnexpectedAppendOffsetException(
-              s"Unexpected offset in append to $topicPartition. $firstOrLast " 
-              s"${appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch} is less than the 
next offset ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}. " +
-              s"First 10 offsets in append: 
${records.records.asScala.take(10).map(_.offset)}, last offset in" +
-              s" append: ${appendInfo.lastOffset}. Log start offset = 
-              firstOffset, appendInfo.lastOffset)
+              val firstOrLast = if (appendInfo.firstOffset.isDefined) "First 
offset" else "Last offset of the first batch"
+              throw new UnexpectedAppendOffsetException(
+                s"Unexpected offset in append to $topicPartition. $firstOrLast 
" +
+                  s"${appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch} is less than 
the next offset ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}. " +
+                  s"First 10 offsets in append: 
${records.records.asScala.take(10).map(_.offset)}, last offset in" +
+                  s" append: ${appendInfo.lastOffset}. Log start offset = 
+                firstOffset, appendInfo.lastOffset)
+            }
-        }
-        // update the epoch cache with the epoch stamped onto the message by 
the leader
-        validRecords.batches.forEach { batch =>
-          if (batch.magic >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) {
-            maybeAssignEpochStartOffset(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch, 
-          } else {
-            // In partial upgrade scenarios, we may get a temporary regression 
to the message format. In
-            // order to ensure the safety of leader election, we clear the 
epoch cache so that we revert
-            // to truncation by high watermark after the next leader election.
-            leaderEpochCache.filter(_.nonEmpty).foreach { cache =>
-              warn(s"Clearing leader epoch cache after unexpected append with 
message format v${batch.magic}")
-              cache.clearAndFlush()
+          // update the epoch cache with the epoch stamped onto the message by 
the leader
+          validRecords.batches.forEach { batch =>
+            if (batch.magic >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) {
+              maybeAssignEpochStartOffset(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch, 
+            } else {
+              // In partial upgrade scenarios, we may get a temporary 
regression to the message format. In
+              // order to ensure the safety of leader election, we clear the 
epoch cache so that we revert
+              // to truncation by high watermark after the next leader 
+              leaderEpochCache.filter(_.nonEmpty).foreach { cache =>
+                warn(s"Clearing leader epoch cache after unexpected append 
with message format v${batch.magic}")
+                cache.clearAndFlush()
+              }
-        }
-        // check messages set size may be exceed config.segmentSize
-        if (validRecords.sizeInBytes > config.segmentSize) {
-          throw new RecordBatchTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is 
${validRecords.sizeInBytes} bytes in append " +
-            s"to partition $topicPartition, which exceeds the maximum 
configured segment size of ${config.segmentSize}.")
-        }
+          // check messages set size may be exceed config.segmentSize
+          if (validRecords.sizeInBytes > config.segmentSize) {
+            throw new RecordBatchTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is 
${validRecords.sizeInBytes} bytes in append " +
+              s"to partition $topicPartition, which exceeds the maximum 
configured segment size of ${config.segmentSize}.")
+          }
-        // maybe roll the log if this segment is full
-        val segment = maybeRoll(validRecords.sizeInBytes, appendInfo)
-        val logOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(
-          messageOffset = appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch,
-          segmentBaseOffset = segment.baseOffset,
-          relativePositionInSegment = segment.size)
-        // now that we have valid records, offsets assigned, and timestamps 
updated, we need to
-        // validate the idempotent/transactional state of the producers and 
collect some metadata
-        val (updatedProducers, completedTxns, maybeDuplicate) = 
-          logOffsetMetadata, validRecords, origin)
-        maybeDuplicate.foreach { duplicate =>
-          appendInfo.firstOffset = Some(duplicate.firstOffset)
-          appendInfo.lastOffset = duplicate.lastOffset
-          appendInfo.logAppendTime = duplicate.timestamp
-          appendInfo.logStartOffset = logStartOffset
-          return appendInfo
-        }
+          // maybe roll the log if this segment is full
+          val segment = maybeRoll(validRecords.sizeInBytes, appendInfo)
-        segment.append(largestOffset = appendInfo.lastOffset,
-          largestTimestamp = appendInfo.maxTimestamp,
-          shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp = appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp,
-          records = validRecords)
-        // Increment the log end offset. We do this immediately after the 
append because a
-        // write to the transaction index below may fail and we want to ensure 
that the offsets
-        // of future appends still grow monotonically. The resulting 
transaction index inconsistency
-        // will be cleaned up after the log directory is recovered. Note that 
the end offset of the
-        // ProducerStateManager will not be updated and the last stable offset 
will not advance
-        // if the append to the transaction index fails.
-        updateLogEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1)
-        // update the producer state
-        for (producerAppendInfo <- updatedProducers.values) {
-          producerStateManager.update(producerAppendInfo)
-        }
+          val logOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(
+            messageOffset = appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch,
+            segmentBaseOffset = segment.baseOffset,
+            relativePositionInSegment = segment.size)
-        // update the transaction index with the true last stable offset. The 
last offset visible
-        // to consumers using READ_COMMITTED will be limited by this value and 
the high watermark.
-        for (completedTxn <- completedTxns) {
-          val lastStableOffset = 
-          segment.updateTxnIndex(completedTxn, lastStableOffset)
-          producerStateManager.completeTxn(completedTxn)
-        }
+          // now that we have valid records, offsets assigned, and timestamps 
updated, we need to
+          // validate the idempotent/transactional state of the producers and 
collect some metadata
+          val (updatedProducers, completedTxns, maybeDuplicate) = 
+            logOffsetMetadata, validRecords, origin)
-        // always update the last producer id map offset so that the snapshot 
reflects the current offset
-        // even if there isn't any idempotent data being written
-        producerStateManager.updateMapEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1)
+          if (maybeDuplicate.isDefined) {

Review comment:
       Seems like we should use a pattern match here instead of `isDefined` and 

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