
the Proxy opens directly a socket to the requested URL (in the example 
http://www.google.com) so the timeout occurs. There's nothing in the 
code respecting the http.proxyHost/Proxy properties.
In the moment, i work on a rewrite of the Proxy module to implement 
https support on recording browser activity (status: working, but not 
perfectly integrated).
If there's any interrest to include my changes in the JMeter-Code, i can 
also try extending the Proxy server using the http.proxyHost/Proxy 


Stover, Michael wrote:
> I suspect the Proxy server is doing something weird that prevents it from
> using the proxy you instructed JMeter to use.  The code is from an on-line
> university that I grabbed and plugged in.  It's super simple code, which
> probably means it's not particularly robust.  You might find your answer by
> digging through it.
> Can't you test out the proxy server without going through a firewall?
> -Mike
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 11:09 AM
>>Subject: JMeter Proxy Server config issues
>>I tested out JMeter's proxy server last night but had some difficulty 
>>configuring it mainly b'cos I think the doc was a bit scant.  From 
>>what I could gather, these are what I have to do :
>>1. Add 'ThreadGroup' to 'Test Plan'.
>>2. Add 'Proxy Server' to 'ThreadGroup'.  Accept the default values 
>>where name is 'Proxy Server', port is '8080', include and exclude are 
>>both left blank.
>>3. Add 'Simple Controller' to 'ThreadGroup'.
>>4. Make browser point to the JMeter proxy server
>>5. Access http://www.google.com.
>>At this stage the console shows 'Miss! Forwarding to 
>>http://www.google.com'.  After sometime, I get :
>>java.net.NoRouteToHostException: Operation timed out: connect
>>        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
>>        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect
>>        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress
>>        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:123)
>>        at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:273)
>>        at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:100)
>>        at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.Proxy.run
>>The browser shows 503 Gateway Timeout Error.
>>I did a ip trace and notice that the 'Proxy Server' did not forward 
>>the browser request to my proxy server(I'm referring to my ISP proxy 
>>server and NOT the JMeter Proxy Server) but instead tried to forward 
>>directly to http://www.google.com which of course fails since my ISP 
>>does not allow connections without going thru' its proxy.  I started 
>>JMeter with 'jmeter.bat -h proxy.myisp.com.sg -p 8080'.  For other 
>>types of JMeter function, e.g. 'View Result Tree' etc things work 
>>just fine.
>>What did I do wrong?  Let me know and I'll update the docs to reflect 
>>the steps required.
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