Hi all,
    I've just returned from vacation.  Lots of activity - good to see!  Anway, I have 
no idea why 
your committ messages aren't getting sent.  I never did anything to make it happen for 
I'm hoping they're having a general problem that will be fixed soon.  

I only ever moved bugs to the resolved status because that seemed sufficient to me.  
mostly a single developer, I didn't have much use for bug states other than open and 
Resolved meant closed as far as I was concerned.  With 7 of us now, we should probably 
agree on some simple procedure for dealing with bugs in general, perhaps write it up 
and put 
it on the website.  I would suggest someone just write something and committ it, and 
then we 
can talk about it and modify as we like, and vote on a finalized version.

Furthermore, the unit tests should absolutely be run by everyone prior to making a 
The proper procedure would be:

After making your code edits:
update from CVS
run unit tests (ie 'build test')
commit to CVS

Pretty simple, but it's important you are running the tests against your edits merged 
with any 
potential changes someone else has made to CVS.  

Also, regarding jorphan - it's fine to eliminate the jar, though you wouldn't have a 
problem if 
you didn't check your files out as read-only.  Read-only checkouts are unnecessary 
(especially if you follow the above procedure), and I would frown on locking files.  
My idea 
behind jorphan is that it is code that I use in almost every Java project I write.  I 
wanted a single public place for these files to live and be available from.  Thus, I 
was going to 
make jorphan a separate release alongside JMeter (ie a sub-project).  Whether other 
would download it and use it is immaterial to me - I was just sick of copying and 
pasting the 
code from one project to another.  I'm aware JMeter isn't the ideal place for it to 
live, but I 
have no other place for it currently.


On 27 Dec 2002 at 17:01, Jordi Salvat i Alabart wrote:

> Have you noticed how many bugs we have in CLOSED state? 1
> In VERIFIED state? 0
> In RESOLVED state? 211
> Unless someone says I shouldn't, I will close all bugs which were 
> RESOLVED before the JMeter 1.8 release date.
> Of course it's a pretty poor QA policy, but unless someone has time to 
> scan through each of them and VERIFY them if they are actually solved in 
> 1.8, it's probably the best way.
> Salut,
> Jordi.
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Michael Stover
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