>-----Original Message-----
>From: peter lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 05 February 2004 13:53
>To: JMeter Developers List
>Subject: Re: How to handle htmlparser library (was Are we ready for a

>I went through the bugs last night. I don't know enough of 
>those samplers to be able to provide a quick patch. Are there 
>any other bugs we want to address before a release candidate?

There were the ones I noted earlier:

I've no clue how to do this one:
26605  Maj Oth All [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEW  Java Config elements
override samplers  

Not sure if this one is still a problem:
23110  Nor Oth PC [EMAIL PROTECTED] ASSI  JDBC Pool not
completely cleaned up when in multiple thread  

Might take a look at these in the next day or so:
23487  Nor Hig Oth [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEW  Remote execution from
command-line does not work correctly  
26355  Nor Oth All [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEW  new ForEach controller

[I've already done the other two I mentioned before]

Plus, I'd like to see about including the remote batching code from AppLabs 
http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=26337 - I hope to have a
look at that tonight.


The other matter we *perhaps* ought to address is the new ASF licence.
There's some detail on how to add it (as a reference) at the end of the
licence, but it's not entirely clear to me what to do about the years, or
where the NOTICE has to go.

But so long as the licences are sorted out in the next month or so, I
suppose it does not have to be done before the next release.


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