That would be better, because the jaxb download is huge.
Iit doesn't seem possible to just download the few jars that are needed.
One has to get all the webservices stuff as well, as far as I can make out.

Also, jaxb is JDK1.4+, and the rest of the JMeter code still works on 1.3+

yeah, the d/l is a pain.                                      

I've just come across this:

"Basically, the Digester package lets you configure an XML -> Java object mapping 
module, which triggers certain actions called
rules whenever a particular pattern of nested XML elements is recognized. A rich set 
of predefined rules is available for your use,
or you can also create your own."

Sounds a bit similar to JAXB, but I may be wrong.
But perhaps it might be suitable?

Otherwise, can you not use one of the existing parsers?
We use both JDom (easy to use, licence seems OK, but needs to be checked) and (I 
think) Jaxp, which is in 1.4 and available via the
xalan etc jars in 1.3.

The test plans use:


I was considering using jaxme, which is another jaxb implementation.  I didn't 
consider JDom, since I don't know it very well. I forget, is there an issue in terms 
of binary distribution since it's an external lib?


peter lin


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