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The following page has been changed by JMeterAdmin:

The comment on the change is:
Start generic Peformance test section

    * [ 
JUnit Sampler] 
 Access Log Sampler]
Pushing the envelope with JMeter]
-   * [ Articles on Performance Testing] 
see in particular "User Experience, not Metrics" about half-way down the page
    * [ Testing a 
JSF Application with JMeter]
 Website load tests with JMeter (in french)]
    * [ 
Testing a SUN RI JSF Application with JMeter]
+  * General Articles on Performance testing etc.
+   * [ Articles on Performance Testing] 
see in particular "User Experience, not Metrics" about half-way down the page
+   * [ Performance Testing Guidance 
for Web Applications]
   * [:DifferentBehaviour:Why does JMeter get different results from my 

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