Hi Scott,
You are a life saver! The lcp.bat file was the cause. I corrected the CR/LF problem, and now it works (or at least appears to!). I also noticed that there were 'out of environment space' errors. I have now modified the environment space to 4096 bytes and that seems to have done the trick. However, I noticed that in the Java window an error message. C:\ApacheJMeter_1.7Beta\jakarta-jmeter\bin>java -cp ;..\lib\LOG4J-~1.JAR;.. \lib\ ANT-13~1.JAR;..\lib\JAKART~1.JAR;..\lib\JUNIT.JAR;..\lib\UTIL.JAR;.. \lib\XERCES. JAR;..\lib\TIDY.JAR;..\lib\JCERT.JAR;..\lib\LOG4J.JAR;..\lib\JNET.JAR;.. \lib\JSS E.JAR;ApacheJMeter.jar -D org.apache.jmeter.NewDriver jmeter.properties log4j:ERROR No appenders could be found for category (org.apache.jmeter.util.Cla ssFinder). log4j:ERROR Please initialize the log4j system properly. Now I have the following problems: - I have tried to set up a proxy server and have managed to get it working. Unfortunately, I have not been able to switch it off. BTW, does it work with HTTPS? - Saving the test plan works, but again the file is full of CR/LF problems. Cleaning this up gives a different problem; now the program seems to hang, with lots of 'Unknown source' messages. TIA. -- Bob -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>