And in Netscape(4.7x) you do:

Choose Manual proxy configuration. Click view and set HTTP Proxy to 
localhost and whatever port you want to use.


--On Wednesday, March 06, 2002 11:20:36 +0000 Chris Dale 

> In IE what you do is go to Tools/Internet Options
> Go to Connections Tab and under the LAN settings select the 'Use a proxy
> server' tickbox
> with the host = localhost and the port being whatever you set for the
> JMeter Proxy server you set up
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ashraf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 March 2004 04:04
> To: 'JMeter Users List'
> Subject: RE: Newbie of jmeter
> No....
> How do i do that?
> Please can you give me the details please.
> Ashraf
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:54 PM
> To: 'JMeter Users List'
> Subject: RE: Newbie of jmeter
> Did you set your browser to use the proxy server?
> Michael
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ashraf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 05 March 2004 04:31
> To: Jmeter (E-mail)
> Subject: Newbie of jmeter
> Hi Everybody,
> Good day all !
> My Manager has asked me to load test an application that we have developed
> in our company.
> I thought of choosing Jmeter for this assignment.
> Have I chosen a adequate tool? Please advice
>  if no, please let me know any other good open source tool. TIA
> Our application is a payroll system.
> My requirements is that, think of a scenario below
> 1.  Some people (say 20 people) updating there details.
> 2.  Some people just viewing there bank details.
> 3.  Some people doing some updates.
> My question here is, can I simulate an environment with say 200 users
> logged in simultaneously,
> some are just navigating various pages, some are accessing database, some
> updating it, some inserting new data etc.....
> I downloaded ApacheJMeter_1.7Beta3 recently.
> I created a test plan with number of threads as 200 and added some
> HttpRequest elements and  a file recorder.
> I got the response time for each page accessed in the file that I had
> given. But by this I can only get the performance of web server to render
> me the pages.
> I couldn't understand how to pass data to a form and them click on submit
> button to save it in database.
> How do I simulate, some data is entered in some forms of the application
> and them click on submit button, so that the
> data entered gets saved in database.
> When I went through the documentation, I found something called proxy
> server to record the browser activity.
> My Test plan looks like this,
> Root
>   Testplan
>      ThreadGroup
>         Simple Controller
>                 HttpRequest
>    WorkBench
>        Proxy Server
> I clicked on the start button on the Proxy server page
> and then opened a browser and started navigating a site called
> "";
> after navigating some pages I clicked on stop button on the proxy server
> page of the jmeter.
> I didn't noticed any thing happening in the testplan, nothing got
> recorded.
> Is there any thing I am missing?
> I don't have much time to debug what's happening.
> I will be grateful, if any one out there help me do this.
> Please give me all the steps explained clearly.
> Thanks
> Ashraf
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