The browser itsself doesn't need to parse each of the values, it just
happens that that string is in the <a href=""> on each page, and the
webserver (tomcat/apache) parses it out. I'm sending an attachment to your
address (not to group), thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Stover
To: JMeter Users List; Chris Wopat
Sent: 7/29/02 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: dynamic sessions

I guess I'm wondering how the browser deals with that
string.  How can it grab just one of the values?  Can
you send some of the HTML so I can see how this string
is being used in forms and links?

--- Chris Wopat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I've been searching over the archives but
> haven't quite found the
> solution to my 'problem'. I am testing an
> application which gives a new
> session id for each new log-in. 
> However, the sesionID is not a standard name/value
> pair, instead we have ONE
> name/value pair which holds all of the information
> (userid, sessionid,
> screentype, blah blah). It looks something like
> this:
> ype=0
> Notice that it LOOKS like a string of name/value
> pairs, but really they're
> all a part of the master 'val' name. I'd imagine
> you're wondering why this
> is done; it's because in production we encrypt the
> url and it looks like our
> developers took the cheap way out on it :)
> Anyhow, it seems that I need to parse the string
> after 'ourval=' and grab
> the 'sessionID' out of it when JMeter logs in. The
> next page is a form which
> actually passes the name/value pair of 'sessionID',
> along with much other
> (static) information. I've tried adding
> 'sessionID=.*' in the http request,
> but it's a no go. 
> Assertions don't seem to do much for me either, as
> from what I can tell they
> will just complain if it doesnt see something in the
> url/text. 
> I've captured a sequence of pages into JMeter using
> the http proxy method,
> but they don't do me much good if I cannot set the
> appropriate sessionID.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
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Mike Stover
Apache JMeter developer

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