> 1) Can I distribute testing load among multiple machines?
>    For example I want to use 50 threads, loop for 1000 times
>    and divide this load among five machines.

Yes, please read http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/remote-test.html

> 2) For each thread, I want to simulate a unique user.
>    This user will have his parameters appended to the url.
>    Scenario:
>    User bob logs in the application
>    User bob creates a file, edits a file, deletes a file etc.
>    Other threads will be doing the same as other users.
>    Has anyone tried something similar?
>    Should that be one thread group with 1 thread for a user?

You should create one thread group having as many threads as many users you 
like. Personalizing scenarios for each user is described in


> 3) Remote execution without the GUI:
>    Can I start/stop tests on different servers without
>    using the GUI? i-e: is there a CLI version to do that?
>    If not: I can live with ssh hostname "command  to start/stop jmeter"

To control remote jmeters you must have one controller jmeter run in GUI mode.

Michal Kostrzewa

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