> I read in the docs that :
> Before running rmiregistry, make sure that the following jars are in your
> system claspath:
>     * JMETER_HOME/lib/ext/ApacheJMeter_core.jar
>     * JMETER_HOME/lib/jorphan.jar
>     * JMETER_HOME/lib/logkit-1.0.1
> Question is.. how do I know? Where is my system's classpath, and how would
> I go about adding these to it?

Just type in shell


and you will see what you classpath is. If it's empty or doesn't contain 
required paths, please set it with the following (assuming you're using sh 


Everything in one line. In JMETER_HOME write appropriate dir. Paths are 
divided by colon (':'). Everything is case sensitive.


to verify things and then in the same console launch rmiregistry.

hope this helps
best regards
Michal Kostrzewa

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