On large scale tests you must be careful which listeners you use.  Use low-memory 
visualizers, such as Graph Results and Aggregate Report.  I have made over 
30,000 requests with over 500 threads by being careful that way with no problems.  
This is on a 600mhz machine and 512MB RAM.

Listeners like View Results Tree and the Results Table are for fine-tuning your test 
cases prior to launching them full-scale.  Remove them once you are confident 
everything is working as desired.

I have had thoughts that visualizers should have the option of only recording failure 
results - to save memory while still allowing users to review failures.  It would be 
stupid easy to implement.  So many things to do....


On 6 Mar 2003 at 13:59, Ananda wrote:

> Hi,
> I have to simulate more than 1000 http request. The JMeter UI is not able to
> display more than 1000 (is getting stuck at exactly 1164) rows in the
> Results Table. It gets stuck though it is in the run mode.
> Is this a limitation ? Please let me know if there is a workaround or a
> preferred solution.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ananda.
> Infosys Technologies Ltd.
> Bangalore.
> Ph: +91-80-5010149
> www.infosys.com

Michael Stover
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