No. In m/X/, the "m" is for the "match" operator. The modifiers here go after the last slash: m/X/m or m/X/s. But that's Perl syntax. In JMeter, you only write the "X" -- the operation and modifiers (whatever they are) are hardcoded in the Java code. Fortunately, there's a trick to add a modifier _inside_ the pattern:


will do what you want. "s" is for "treat as Single line".

You can also use the other modifiers ("m" for "treat as Multiple lines", "i" for "Ignore case", and "x" for "eXtended legibility") in the same way. You can combine them:


will match
for example.



Dan Yuen wrote:
Thanks, everyone, for your responses.  I really
appreciate your assistance.

I'm looking into the m and the s modifiers and I'm
having some difficulties using them in Response
Assertions. For example, if my response is an HTML
page with exactly 8 occurrence of the word "sample", I
am able to use a Response Assertion to match the


But it fails if I change the pattern to


According to the Perl textbook I'm using, the m
modifier is optional when the slashes are used.  So,
shouldn't the pattern m/sam.*e/ produce the same
results as sam*.e    ?

Am I using the m modifier incorrectly?  Is the reason
that m/sam.*e/ doesn't work in the Response Assertion
because the regular expression is sam.*e and the m
modifiers and the slashes are modifiers/delimiters and
not really part of the regular expression (so don't
belong in the Response Assertion)?

Please let me know if I've got a basic
misunderstanding someplace. But, as I see it so far,
the patterns in the Response Assertion will only match
on a one-line-at-a-time basis and are not used to
match the response as a whole.

Thanks very much.

Dan Yuen

--- "BAZLEY, Sebastian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

True, but won't it stop looking when it has found 8
i.e. there could be more "sample"s later in the


One could try anchoring the last sample:


but I think that would suffer from the same problem
as the negative
It may be tricky stopping the matcher from working
its way past the leading

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 01 October 2003 13:31
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: RE: Using Response Assertion to evaluate
HTML details


(sample.*){8,8} will match exactly 8 occurrences.


On 1 Oct 2003 at 10:41, BAZLEY, Sebastian wrote:

JMeter uses Jakarta ORO

( to

implement Perl5 patterns.

Since Perl includes multi-line patterns using the

"m" and "s" modifiers:

<quote from Perlre document>

Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change

``^'' and ``$'' from

matching the start or end of the string to

matching the start or end of any

line anywhere within the string.


Treat string as single line. That is, change ``.''

to match any character

whatsoever, even a newline, which normally it

would not match.


It looks as though "s" might be best in your case.

As a start, you could try matching sample 8 times

using something like:

This would eliminate fewer than 8 occurrences.

(sample.*){9} should catch ones with 9 or more.

So you could use two assertions; the first to

match 8 samples, the second to

NOT match 9.

The tricky bit would be combining the two, as


would presumably be happy to match 9 occurrences

by starting the match with

the second sample.

I'm afraid I'll have to leave solving that as an

exercise for the reader, as

I don't know how myself.

I could not find anything on the ORO pages about

exactly what REs it

supports, or if there are any exclusions.

Perl itself has pretty good documentation on

regular expressions. If you

have a Perl installation, try perldoc perlre,

perlrequick or perlretut.

There is online documentation on the Activestate

web-site and elsewehere.

Hope this will help you get started. If you find a

good solution, please

share it with us!

-----Original Message-----


Sent: 01 October 2003 00:10
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Re: Using Response Assertion to evaluate

HTML details

Currently, the Response Assertion only supports a

yes/no response

to whether the text includes the regex.

Supporting match counts

would be useful too, I think.


On 30 Sep 2003 at 15:39, Dan Yuen wrote:

I've started looking at JMeter for testing some


pages on a web app.  I was wondering how much
flexibility i might have with the regular


in the Response Assertion.

I've seen how an Assertion Results can report


whether or not it finds an occurrence of a


pattern in a line. But can I use this feature

to, for

example, verify that my response is an html page


exactly eight occurrences of the word "sample"


<pre></pre> tag somewhere in the body of the


Am I limited to testing for only patterns

contained in

a single line?

Thanks very much.

Dan Yuen


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