yeah stupid me. i realized that soon after!
by the way, i've figured a way to ramp down!

i have a Counter, then and If Controller with all the http requests underneath.
in my If Controller i have : ${__threadNum} >= ${counter}

now i just gotta figure a way to manipulate the counter so i can also
control the ramp down /period.


Michael Stover wrote:

Make the name of the HttpRequest element be: "request-${threadNum}" and
then in the Tree Listener, you'll see the name with the thread number
for each request.


On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 23:40, nlunebur wrote:

hi all,
i've implemented (in theory) a way to run the http requests under the thread group only if the ${threadNum}
is at a particular value.
i want a way where i can see if it is really only running that particular thread number.
is there a way i can do this?

i have:

Thread Group
   If Controller (if threadNum = 2)

i thought perhaps i can have some sort of jmeter element where i can see the thread number being run.

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