Same subject, new topic(s)...

I was reading and I
see this note:
"Support for compressed datastreams (specifically using gzip and other
protocols). Many servers and browsers support this and it would be nice to
evaluate the 'compressablity' of a site using jmeter. "  Not sure who's
comment this is, maybe Mike S.

Is this still true?  No gzip'd data support?

Is there a primer on the architecture of jmeter from a developers
point-of-view?  I'd like to be able to help out, send in patches, help add
support for this sort of thing and other things I've done before along these
lines (like a simulated cache), but I'm lost in the source.  (I'm guessing
the answer is "no", so I'll keep on slogging in the meantime...:-) )


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