there's probably an easier way to do this...

You could define a user for each thread and then define the the parameter
value for each user as _stringfromfile(filename). You would have to have a
seperate data file for each user.

It sounds like a lot of work but I wrote a shell script to generate the xml
for the collection items in the user parameter that define each user (rather
than read in from a CSV file) incrementing my parameter value (a record id)
and the collection object id on each iteration of the shellscript. Then just
read that output into the jmx file. when I brought up the test plan into the
jmeter gui.. all the users were there and thier incremental record id's were
defined for each user. you could use the same idea with incremental file

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 4:01 PM
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: RE: user parameters question

Sure did. Tried it unchecked, too.

With "update" checked, each thread in a thread group uses a new value, but
the thread group still reverts to the top of the file after it loops. With
"update" unchecked, everything just uses the first value every time.


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