Very well put, as usual.

One other thing you can do is use the __log() function to show how a
string is being interpreted:

i.e. instead of:


try (spaces inserted for clarity):

${__function(    ${__log(P1)}  ,  ${__log(P2)}    )}

This will log the value of P1 and P2 to jmeter.log.

or indeed

${__log(    ${__function(P1,P2)}    )}

which will log the output of the function.

The __logn() function is exactly the same as __log(), except it
returns nothing, so it could be used as follows:



On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 19:43:47 -0500, Kyle McAbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Avian Liao and JMeter Users:
> Here is a list of things I check when a __javaScript function is not working. 
> Number 3 is probably the solution to Avian's problem.
> 1.      The function name of __javaScript must start with two underlines. If 
> it does not, JMeter will not execute the function. All JMeter function names 
> start with two underlines, except for _StringFromFile, which starts with one 
> underline.
>         Right:  ${__javaScript( ... )}
>         Wrong:  ${javaScript( ... )}
> 2.      If a function parameter contains a comma character, you must put the 
> escape character (backslash) before the comma. That causes JMeter to use the 
> comma as data rather than as a delimiter between parameters.
>         Right:  ${__javaScript('str'.length,Comma\,InData)}
>         Wrong:  ${__javaScript('str'.length,Comma,InData)}
> 3.      To reference a variable in a function parameter, enclose the variable 
> name in single quotes.
>         Right:  ${__javaScript('${MyString}'.length,MyStringLength)}
>         Wrong:  ${__javaScript(${MyString}.length,MyStringLength)}
> 4.      You can write an entire small JavaScript program in a __javaScript 
> function. For example, to get the current date in MM/DD/YYYY format, use the 
> code below. This example shows that you can declare variables and separate 
> lines with semicolons in the JavaScript code.
>         ${__javaScript(var d = new Date(); var date = d.getDate(); $DATE = 
> (d.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + (date < 10 ? "0"+date : date) + "/" + 
> d.getFullYear();,DATE)}
> Sincerely yours,
> Kyle
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liao, Avian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:18 PM
> To: Jmeter Question (E-mail)
> Subject: question of ${_javaScript} function
> Hi, All,
> Anyone has experience passing variable between Jmtere variable and javascript 
> variable?
> In my case, I have variable that was extracted by Regex, and I called it 
> "findMe", in function, I try to use javascript to see if I can reuse this 
> variable or not, so I did like
> ${__javaScript(${findMe}+123,showJava)}
> After all this, I use Java Request to see how is the variable doing between 
> Jmeter and javascript, and it turns out nothing. Any ideal?
> Al
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