On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:55:27 -0500, Nathan J. Mehl
> If I have a test plan that looks like this:
>         Random Controller
>                 |
>                 +--->   Recording Controller
>                 |               |
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request A
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request B
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request C
>                 |
>                 +--->   Recording Controller
>                 |               |
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request X
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request Z
>                 |               +---> HTTP Request C
>                 |
>                 +--->   Recording Controller
>                                 |
>                                 +---> HTTP Request 1
>                                 +---> HTTP Request 2
>                                 +---> HTTP Request 3
> Can I expect that a given thread will always execute one of:
>         A, B, C
>         X, Y, Z
>         1, 2, 3
> ...or will all of the http requests under the random controller be
> randomized, so it would be just as likely to pick:
>         A, X, 3
>         B, C, 1
> ...etc?  And if the answer is the latter... is there any way to
> achieve the former?

See the documentation on the InterLeave Controller, which describes
the function of the check box "Ignore sub-controller blocks".

Unchecked, you will get the former behaviour. 
Checked, you will get a _single_ sampler picked at random from all the
samplers for each iteration.

If you want to try it out without hitting a web-site, try it with
JavaTest samplers with different labels.

By the way, there is a minor bug in the randomisation - the first
time, the first item is always selected. Thereafter, it is random.

> -n
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> "Ever since the US election, there's been a lot of loose talk about
> discovering the `will of the people.' What all the pundits and politicians
> fail to realize is that the system worked perfectly and the people got EXACTLY
> what they wanted: Another precious week of not having to call EITHER of those
> losers `President.'"                                     (--Ian Barkley-Yeung)
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