Hi friends
I am sunita
Is there any code coverage tool for dotnet that to related to jmeter
if any one knows about this please mail me

Jayashree K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote::-)

I recorded script in bad boy and now I'm trying to execute that in JMeter. 
Will that also create a prob in JMeter? (I means HTTPS).
Is any special settings I need to take care of?

Another prob, with me is my records are not getting saved in database.
And Post query is on https only :-(

Michael Stover wrote:
HTTPS requests cannot be intercepted and recorded by JMeter.


On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 01:01, Jayashree K wrote:
> :-))
> This is very strange. I tried it out....guess what???
> It DID WORKED for me even :-)
> But, still I got stuck in further problem. It did worked for HTTP request. I 
> means HTTP Protocol got recorded.......but since in between there is HTTPS 
> ...protocol. Recording stopped and I can't move further now. :-(
> Any other strange idea for this?
> Thx,
> Jayashree
> Kiran wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am very new to jmeter.But I faced this .In that case What I did is
> ,I gave the URL of website and site is loaded. Then I change the
> settings as local host and 80. Click START in jmeter to record. I was
> able to go navigate and record.
> Instead if u change setting to localhost and 80 at the beginning and
> try to load the site ,it will give page cannot be displayed.
> I am not sure whether it is the correct way. But it worked for me.
> Regards Kiran
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jayashree K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:22 AM
> To: jmeter-user@jakarta.apache.org
> Subject: How to record script in JMETER without proxy server? 
> Jmeter help says to have IE Settings and Jmeter-HTTP Proxy server to be
> same. specify Ex: Localhost 80 at both the places. Then recording
> happesn. TRUE.
> But here, When I specify localhost and 80 in my IE. I'm not able to see
> the website (Page can't be displayed comes.) Here, proxy is transperent.
> So now what to do?
> Unless and until I specify anything, HOW can i record?
> >From SysAdmin, I got to know one IP and 3128 as port. When I set that
> in IE...i can access the pages.
> But when I specify that in HTTP Proxy Server of JMETER...It doesn't
> work. REcording doesn't happen.
> Is there any way to do the recording in JMeter in such cases?
> OR If Address and port is other than 80 or 8080. How to do recording
> with other machines IP and Port??????
> Can anyone plz let me know the steps to do?
> Thx
> Jayashree
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Michael Stover 
Apache Software Foundation

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