Hi Bhasha, Using USER PARAMETERS you can do this easily. Add------>Pre Processors......>User Parameters to your Thread Group. You can give all inputs there and call them to relative HTTP Requests. For Ex: In User Parameters Add Variables & Add User To Name: cclogin_UserId cclogin_Password To User_1: Give the values of your UserId & Password and you can call these values in the Login Request as ${cclogin_UserId} ${cclogin_Password} Sobha
Shaik Afgal Bhasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, I am new to Jmeter. I am trying to load test our web application. My problem is I do have certain login ids where I want to use them for each iteration. How can I achieve this? I am storing these login ids in a notepad and using a function ${_StringFromFile(c:\users.txt,login_id,)} where it is not taking the ids I mentioned but each time it is taking id as function name itself (${_StringFromFile(c:\users.txt,login_id,)}). Can anyone suggest how can I do this? Moreover I am not sure how to do this? Am I doing right? My ids are integers in this case can I use this function?? On fly for each ID depending on one particular value I want to associate particular data. How can I achieve this? If anyone is having any examples on these lines please forward them (if you don’t mind). Thanks in advance for your reply. Regards, Afzal --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!