to really spider a website completely, a different tool should be
used. there are link checker tools out there, so maybe that will fit
your needs.


On 7/20/05, Michael Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If that is your literal test script, then the reason it doesn't work is
> because the HTTP HTML Link Parser is looking for a previous response
> from which to parse the path info.  Since you only have one sampler,
> there is no previous response the first time, and so the path value (.*)
> is not replaced, and therefore you get a 404.  And you keep getting 404
> because the link parser doesn't find a link in the 404 response either.
> You need at least one sampler to hit a page first so the link parser has
> something to work with.
> Furthermore, I think you'll be disappointed in your attempt to make a
> spider.  The reason is that the link parser does not store up links it
> finds in a stack or any other data structure.  Therefore, it follows one
> path through your app until it runs into a dead end, or a link that
> doesn't work, and thereafter all you get are errors.  If someone really
> wanted JMeter to spider effectively, some coding work needs to be done
> on these components.
> And lastly, the HTML Link parser is just so incredibly old and decrepit
> code, that I have little confidence in it.  For what that's worth.  I
> think the access log sampler would serve you better.
> -Mike
> On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 11:28 +0200, Christian Baumgartner wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've searched the List about the HTTP LINK PARSER, but cannot find an answer
> > to my problem.
> >
> > The usual structure should be (as i saw in other posts):
> >
> >
> >       THREAD GROUP
> >               HTTP REQUEST (domain:; path: .*
> >                       HTTP HTML LINK PARSER
> >
> >
> > Well as result i always geht a 404 Error Page not found because of URL
> >*
> > So I suggest that the regex doesn't function in path (we had that already in
> > another post).
> >
> > Now I just want to ask, if someone could give a really simple explanation
> > how to use the
> > HTTP HTML LINK PARSER correctly.
> >
> > Beside my actual Task:
> > I shoult test stress test tools, creating a SIMPLE spider that crawls
> > through a Web Site and records
> > the times, for each URL it finds.
> > Further it should just regocnize links for a spezific domain and URL
> > pattern, but thats another problem.
> >
> > Hope someone can help me out there.
> >
> > Thanks Chris
> >
> > For answers please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
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