The Total is the actual throughput achieved by your whole test plan.
Some of us think it's the only relevant value in that column.


On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 03:24 -0500, Srinath vaidyanathan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using jmeter 2.0.3. I have a question regarding the last column in 
> Aggregate report. From the user manual, it seems the last column refers to 
> approximate throughput (request/second). Yet I'm not able to understand it 
> completely.
> for example, i have 20 different http requests in my test plan. The 
> aggregate report listener shows the throughput for all 20 requests and it 
> also has a row for "Total". Now what does the "throughput" value in "Total" 
> represent? Is it the average of all above throughput vales for individual 
> requests or what? All these days I thought it was the average but it does 
> not seem to be that. kindly help me out. 
> Also sometimes the throughput column shows NA (i guess not applicable). why 
> does it show that ?
> Thanks
> Srinath

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