On 08/11/05, Richard Gaywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List! Let me start off with the obligitary gushing: JMeter really is a
> nifty piece of work, and one I hope to be able to contribute code to soon.
> Now, I've had to put together quite a complex test plan for our servers in a
> bit of a rush, having never heard of JMeter until last week, and I'm a bit
> concerned that some of the things I've done are not as good as they could
> be. So if an experienced JMeter user or two would like to advise, I'd be
> very greatful.
> Firstly, I have three ThreadGroups in the whole test plan (each with it's
> own JDBC request and CVS config file) and I want to be able to schedule the
> test for a pre-set start time. Can I add all my main ThreadGroups under a
> single master ThreadGroup (with just one thread), turn off scheduling on the
> child ThreadGroups, then turn on scheduling on the master thread? This would
> be a lot easier than configuring each ThreadGroup individually. I gave it a
> go though and it didn't seem to work! Did I miss something?

Why do you need 3 Thread Groups?

> Secondly, I've figured out how to log all the response times and whatnot to
> an XML file when doing non-GUI testing, and figured out how to reload them
> into JMeter to show the handy-dandy graphs but when I do that the throughput
> doesn't get calculated properly. Is there anyway to get the measured
> throughput out of a non-GUI test? That would speed my results collation. I'm
> sure I can do it by crunching the XML file's response times but I don't want
> to if I don't have to!

The Summariser (see jmeter.properties) may help here.

> Thirdly, I want to run my master test plan four times: once with a small
> number of threads and once with a large number *before* my server's admin
> jobs run at 4AM, and then the small and large number of threads again after
> 4AM. I did this last night as four instances of the JMeter GUI with four
> scheduled times, but that's rather tedious (and loading four separate GUIs
> was rather hard on the load test server too). I see I can script the number
> of threads (and presumably) the start times on the command line with a -J
> option, but I still need to control the output file names for the XML file
> to store the results. Can I control that over a -J option too? When I tried
> setting it as a user parameter and setting the Filename in the
> SimpleDataWriter as, for example, ${output.dir}/results1.xml it didn't work.
> Is that because I can't mix-and-match ${} settings and plain text settings
> in the same dialog box?

No, it's because the Listeners create the file before the test has
started; variables are not resolved then.

However, when running in batch (non-GUI), just use the -l command-line flag.
You can define the result file contents using jmeter.properties.

If you have some fixed and some variable properties, you can use a
secondary property file (-q flag, I think).

> Fourthly, I can't find an option to log the number of bytes received in the
> response; this would be a good sanity check for me that the data coming back
> from the server isn't broken (as I'm doing JDBC and therefore don't have a
> HTTP status code). Did I miss one or has this not been implemeted yet?

Not yet implemented.

> Any help with any of these would be greatfully received. Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Richard

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