I'd like to try another way to solve my problem using beanshell sampler as I can manipulate IsSuccess variable with beanshell. But as I downloaded the latest jar for beanshell and added it to the classpath in jmeter GUI, I can't create a script. I tells me that beanshell interpreter was not found. Ho do I set jmeter to use beanshell ?


Nicolas wrote:


I built a test case to test load on an intranet website of my company using JMeter. The goal is to test load of the HTML GUI of the site, not database load or anything else.

I first explain below what I already tested and the problems I encountered. Finally the question is on the end of this e-mail, I hope you'll get there...

So I first test the user login to the site and then test the call of a page showing a list of products.

On this site, users have to be logged in to see the products listing page. So I'd like to run the http sample that call the listing page only if the http sample that call the login page and tries to log in is successful. A successful login is tested using a regular expression to look for a session id in the HTML resulting page.

I tried to add a Result Status Action Handler post-processor in my login http sample, but it stops the tread definitely on failure. What I want is just a loop to be stopped and the thread have to continue in the next loop because login can fail due to heavy load or any other problem and well work on next loop. It's a shame to stop all the thread for that.

Another way I tried was to create an IF logic controller, but I don't know which variable value to test in this IF. As I already had a Regular Expression Extractor to get a variable from the session ID returned by the login result page, I tried to use it for my test. I added a "null" value in the default value field of the Regular Expression Extractor to have a value to test.
In my IF logic controller, I test if my variable is different to "null".

But this works because I have something to retrieve as I need the session ID in other samples.

My problem is that I also want to run other samples on a basis of preceding sample success, and this samples don't necessary need to retrieve any informations as the login sample do. I don't want to create extra test such as Regular Expression Extractor if I don't need to retrieve any informations. It would duplicate the assertions I already added to the samples and complicate the test case.

So I'd like to test if the preceding sample completed successfully before running any new sample without using Regular Expression Extractor.

One of my ideas is to use a JMeter variable, if such a variable exist.
So is there any JMeter variable, or anything else that would look like ${isPrecedingSampleSuccessfull} for example to test if preceding sample in the same thread succeed ?

Did I miss something important in the JMeter usage ?


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