It might be good to revisit how JMS pub/sub works. For any given pub/sub
queue, there may be 1 or more publishers and subscribers. A client using JMS
may both publish and subscribe to 1 or more topics.

when a message is published, the JMS providers will send the message to
every subscriber. the subscriber generally cannot remove messages from the
queue. That is suppose to be the responsibility of the JMS server.

Are you looking for transactional messages?  or is there a specific
functionality you're trying to test?  I'm not an expert, so I would suggest
hopping on the ActiveMQ mailing list and ask the developers. They know their
JMS stuff inside out and would be able to give you clear answer as to
whether the behavior you're trying to test is achievable.

hope that helps

peter lin

On 12/27/05, Kim Loh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am working on Publisher & Subscriber Sampler on Jmeter and having some
> problem to proceed further.
> In JMeter - JMS Publisher sampler, I use it to sends an xml message to a
> provider queue, and use Subscriber Sampler to retrieve message from JMS
> provider queue. After I receive message from Subscriber, my problem here
> is,
> I can not see there is any configuration setting in the interface for me
> to
> remove the previous message on the queue after I subscribed it.
> Does anybody know how can I remove the message on published queue after
> the
> subscriber acting on it?
> Thanks.
> Merry X'mas & Happy New Year.
> Regards,
> Kim

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