Hello all. I have written a cache application for my web server and would like to compare the lookup process when the app has to hit the database vs. when it gets data from the cache.
I've got my test all setup but would like to know what the best graph would be to show the results. Right now I am using plain-old "Graph Results" but I am a bit confused about what the heck I am looking at. I've read the small descrioption on the component reference page but I am not sure I get it. I guess what I am most interested in is seeing the difference in miliseconds between a database-hit request and a cache-hit request. So I've also set up an Aggregate Graph" listener which indeed shows me that the cache requests take less time. But I'd like to have a visual rather than tabular representation of this. What's the best graph for this? The other question I had was about displaying graphs. If I run a test the graph looks ok. But if I try to LOAD a graph, by clicking on "Browse", for example, from the "Graph Results" page, JMeter kind of poops the bed. Just shows me a big grey rectangle where the Browse box was and no graph is loaded. Is this a known bug or is there a better way to load saved graphs? Many thanks for your help! BOb --------------------------------- Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. Get it on your phone.