On Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 07:33:51PM -0400, Peter Lin wrote:
> the way the access log works is this.
> 1. the sampler opens the log file
> 2. it parses a single line and produces a request
> 3. the sampler uses the request and sends it to the server
> 4. repeat steps 1-3
> when multiple threads are used, the sampler will get the next request from
> the parser. the sampler can be configured to stop at the end of the file or
> start at the beginning again.
> http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/component_reference.html#Access_Log_Sampler

Yes, it does!  Thanks!

I started to get some useful results.  But I'm pretty sure I'm going to
have to gang a few machines together to get any really meaningful
results.  Are there any gotchas to setting up a group of machines like

* John Oliver                             http://www.john-oliver.net/ *
*                                                                     *

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