I am trying to validate links on a page. The page I am testing involves different servers so I am using two regular expressions to capture both the servers and the paths. The issue I am having is matching up the positions of the arrays so that the right server matches the right path. Below is my test script outline
Http request Regular expression: a\shref=".*?(dev|com)(/[^"]+)" to capture path Regular expression: ://([^"]+(dev|com))/ to capture server For Each Controller: input prefix- server output- returnVar Http request calling up returnVar This script runs through all the servers on the page however I can't figure out a way to match up the servers with the paths A ForEach controller within a ForEach controller gives me too many requests; it goes through each server with each path I think if I incorporate a counter into the script it might work, but I have been unsuccessful. Any help would be great Josh Feldman