If you're recording a script using the Jmeter Proxy, then yes, you can record 
the delay.

Before starting the proxy, right-click on it, and add a timer (personally, I 
use a gaussian random timer) and set the devalues as appriopriate (I don't have 
the manual in front of me, so cant remember what they are).  Note: one value is 
the constant delay, and the other is the 'random' seed that will be added to 
the constant.  The constant delay is the bit that will get updated, iirc.

Now, start the Jmeter proxy, and start recording.  You should find that you get 
a new gaussian random timer attached to each sampler the proxy creates.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 17 July 2006 14:43
To: JMeter Users List
Subject: Record Think Time


Is it possible to record the delay between page requests (Think time) when 
recording a script?

According to one of the few references I found for jmeter and think time 
(http://mywelt.net/?q=comment/reply/2093), "JMeter can create timers of your 
choice, where delay time is set according to the actual delay during the 
recording period." - However, this doesn´t seem to be the case.

Any comments/help?


Andy Dawson

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