Sebb, thank you for the helpful pointers. I'll browse the FAQ and manual
more closely - especially relating the CSV Data Set Config.
Ideally, I'd like to automate : 
- the collection of form input elements from HTTP response data (html
- The generation of junk values for those data.
- The generation of HTTP Request samplers with the values generated
in the previous step.
- The parsing of the listener output files into presentable reports
in html,lateX,pdf,etc.

Any hints/tips on accomplishing the above (by scripting or usin 3rd
party tools for jmeter would be of great help. :)


On Sun, 2006-07-23 at 17:20 +0100, sebb wrote:
> On 23/07/06, Jaw Dat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Are there JMeter plugins to get input fields from a form and place
> > in a jmx (i've tried recording using the JMeter Proxy, but popup/new
> > windows forms aren't recorded - see my previous post to this mailing
> > list about that )
> Not sure what you mean by this.
> > Are there JMeter plugins for variable/task parametrization to
> > the filling out of forms with many test values? What I'd like to do
> > automate sending requests to the same resource with post/get
> > but do so many times, each time filling the parameters with
> > test values. So is there a plugin to help with doing this? if not,
> > do I do this?
> Yes, the CSV Data Set Config element (described in the manual) can be
> used to set up variables read from a file; you can then use the
> variables in the test plan.
> There's some information on parameterising test plans in the JMeter
> FAQ - follow the links from the home page.
> > Thanks for any help.
> >
> > dat.
> >
> >
> >
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