On 03/08/06, Chris Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey sebb, you just answered a question that I hadn't asked (yet) since I'm a bit
overloaded - I couldn't get beanshell running either and didn't realize that I
needed to put the beanshell.jar into the lib directory.

I'm sure I would have found mention of that in the documentation; I just hadn't
got that far.



sebb wrote:
> Download the beanshell jar and put it in the lib directory.
> Read the BeanShell documentation and
> and the JavaDoc for sampleEvent and sampleResult.
> The rest is up to you - I've never needed to use it; I just added for
> completeness and because someone asked for it.
> What are you trying to do?
> On 03/08/06, Tarun Khurana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi sebb,
>> Could you please tell me how to use the BeanShell listener.
>> Regards
>> Tarun
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