I am sorry for not being clear.
  I am trying to capture some performance parameters from an application server 
by running another java program and trying to call that from the sampler. 
Basically I want to capture more parameters such as heapsize, connection pool.
  So I wanted a way to capture them in a sub results
  With all the features of aggregate table if it would have displayed sub 
results in a tabular format would be very interesting.

Peter Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  not sure what you mean by sub-result.

jmeter currently has aggregate listener and aggregate table. The results
are shown by URL. It's unclear what you mean by sub-result from the email.
Also, ask yourself, what's the purpose of the sampler? In a normal HTTP
request, each request has a specific URL with request parameters. There are
no sub results, unless someone wants to measure how long it takes to load
each embedded resource.

To do that, one would need to break a request down to the smallest item, and
set the request to not retrieve embedded resources.

hope that helps


On 10/9/06, priya menon 
> I have read about JMeter after going through the Apache's site and I
> found it very interesting.
> I want to start as an user and If i am able to sustain the interest
> and become enough productive, I want to become a developer.
> I have played around JMeter, a little.
> Trying to create a sampler:
> Customer Sampler: I am trying to write a custom sampler just to
> display sub results in a table and I created a jar and dropped in
> /lib/ext.
> Added a sampler Java Requests and ran this stuff.
> I did the following steps:
> Trying to visualize and see these 3 values sperately in a table, I
> created a plan and threadgroup and the I found only 2 ways to view
> results in table and aggregate report. but both are getting the aggregate
> values. Is there a table component to see this values as a row or column
> or do I have to write my own custom visualizer.
> public SampleResult runTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
> SampleResult results = new SampleResult();
> try {
> Thread.sleep(2000);
> // Generate a random value using the current time.
> results.setSuccessful(true);
> results.setSampleLabel("PriyaTest");
> SampleResult r = new SampleResult();
> r.setSampleLabel("Priya Result1");
> r.setTime(200);
> results.addSubResult(r);
> SampleResult r1 = new SampleResult();
> r1.setSampleLabel("Priya Result2");
> r1.setTime(300);
> results.addSubResult(r1);
> SampleResult r2 = new SampleResult();
> r1.setSampleLabel("Priya Result3");
> r1.setTime(500);
> results.addSubResult(r2);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> getLogger().error("SleepTest: error during sample", e);
> results.setSuccessful(false);
> } finally {
> results.sampleEnd();
> }
> if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
> getLogger().debug(
> whoAmI() + "\trunTest()" + "\tTime:\t" + results.getTime());
> listParameters(context);
> }
> return results;
> }
> Thank you,
> Priya
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