I want to record the https request with basic authentication by using
Jmeter's HTTP proxy server.
But I couldnt do that.
After receiving the first request,Jmeter made pop up dialog that ask key
store password.
(If its normal access,browser would make pop up dialog that ask id and
password for basic authentication in this timing)
As I know,only the case of client authentication,Jmerer ask this password.
Q1 : Why did jmeter mistake basic authentication for client authentication
Although I use only basic authentication.
Q2 : Jmeter cant record the https request with basic authentication?
If there is the solution,Please tell me the steps.
Below is the steps I did :
1. install Jmeter v2.2
2. install JDK1.4.2 and copy jsse.jar of JDK1.4.2 to "jmeter'sinstall
3. modify jameter.properties (add
4. make Jmeter's HTTP proxy server and start it
5. change the internet option to use Jmeter's HTTP proxy server(
6. send the https request
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