Jürgen Weber schrieb:
Shouldn't a Java or Junit sample not suffice to meter Corba clients? Do you want a sampler at the protocol level? This should be difficult, as the protocol contains no context information. IIOP data without the corresponding IDL is useless.

I will presumably need to load test Corba servers, not clients. The IDL part is the main problem I'm thinking about, because I assume that I would need to taylor the sampler to the interface(s) for each Corba sample I want to take. I've not worked with the Java/JUnit sampler so far, but I will take a look at them.

Robert Spielmann wrote:
Hi all,

in accordance with my request on the dev list and with sebb's answer, I re-ask the question here on the JMeter Users List.

Is anyone working on developing a CORBA sampler for JMeter? If not, is there any interest in developing one? I will need a CORBA sampler in the near future, and I would be happy about any kind of feedback concerning its potential development.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Robert Spielmann
IT Consultant

codecentric GmbH
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