On 3/18/07, robert lazarski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/18/07, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But if it needs is_isc_rpc=true, then either that needs to be provided
> via the URL or via the POST data.
> A well-written application will accept the parameter as POST data as
> well as in the URL, assuming that it handles POST.

All the code uses request.getQueryString() to get the params. AFAIK,
that means it can't use post data, just the url. And the only way I
can get past the authentication is using ;jsessionid - as I just can't
seem to mimmick the way those cookies are being set. Am I right in
understanding that ;jsessionid and url param passing don't mix ?


The ;jsessionid entry has to before the url params, in this form:


Man did I learn alot about the inner workings of http by solving this
problem from beginning to end. Thanks alot Sebb, you were extremely


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