On 05/07/07, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 05/07/07, aidy lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problems making the RE extractor to work.
> The Test Plan looks like this
> HTTP Request
> www.google.co.uk
> BeanShell PostProcessor   //sebb informs us there is a bug in the
> postprocessor and works like
> print("${test}");         //a pre-processor

No, I said that the post-processors run in reverse order.

OK. Then I am confused on what the difference is between a
pre-processor and a post-processor running in reverse order.

> Regular Expression Extractor
> ref name:  test
> RegEx:  (.*)
> Template $0$

Do you really want to match everything?

No, but just using this as a test

> Match No 1
> Default Value: "Token Not found".

No need for enclosing quotes.

> The returned result = ${test}

The problem is the print command:


The variable contains quotes, and these mess up the Java syntax.

However, if I create a user parameter of 'test' with any value this command
print("${test}") prints the value to the command window,

Check the log and you will see some errors.

If a test does not behave as you expect, please always check the log for errors.

I am receiving this

Caused by: Parse error at line 1, column 6.  Encountered: (
        at bsh.Parser.generateParseException(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Parser.jj_consume_token(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Parser.Statement(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Parser.BlockStatement(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Parser.Line(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Interpreter.Line(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)
        at bsh.Interpreter.eval(Unknown Source)

Thank you


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