On 13/11/2007, pugazh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI There,
> I have found your mailid from once of the JMeter forum and like to get some
> sort of clarification with you. I have JMeter 2.3 installed in my
> machine(Windows Server 2003). I would like test the secured web
> pages(Authorization required). I have tried with login name and password on
> HTTP Request Configuration. It worked only on that page but the session does
> not carry to next page.

You probably need to add a Cookie Manager.

> So I decided to move on Proxy Server and I have
> followed the JMeter Manuals but the recorder doesn't perform any actions.

Did you read:


> Please could you guide me to solve my issues. I have already behind firewall
> and my proxy server ip is and port is 8080.

You'll need to start JMeter with the -H and -P qualifiers:


> Please help me out.
> With Regards
> Pugazh

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