
I have the following scenario which i cant get to work correctly, it always
return the last set of the User Defined Variables.

I have a generic login script that i want to use for different enviroments,
for instance a Development (dev) enviroment and a System Integration (si)
In Jmeter i have created the following structure in order to set the
corresponding user defined variables for the different enviroments, these
are variables like servername, serverport and protocol:

-Thread Group
-- If Controller (( "${env}" == "dev" ))
--- User Defined Variables (servername, serverport, protocol of the
development environment)
-- If Controller (( "${env}" == "si" ))
--- User Defined Variables (servername, serverport, protocol of the system
integration environment)

The problem is that when i set my env on dev, than it returns the last set
of the User Defined Variables which is the system integration.

Hopefully someone can explain or help me out whether i am doing it wrong or
is it just not possible what i want?

Thanks in advance,


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