sebb wrote:
On 01/02/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
sebb wrote:
On 31/01/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi gang! Do forgive me if this question's been answered before; couldn't
find a solution.

It has, but it's been a while...

We have some HTTP servers, behind a Cisco CSS that does load balancing
depending on the client's IP. I'll be using JMeter with the Commons
HttpClient component to generate load, to test the HTTP servers. The
load balancer needs to split the load between them evenly. JMeter has
to run on a single, powerful machine running Linux. I can add all the
alias IPs or even a few net intrfaces I need to the machine running
JMeter, but how can I configure JMeter/HttpClient so that the requests
will seem, to the load balancer, to be coming from different IPs?
Perhaps using iptables?
The following entry in


can be used to select between multiple local host ips. However, it is
processed at startup, so you would need to use one JMeter instance per
host, and of course you must use the HttpClient version of the HTTP

That's perfect for us. We were going to use more than one JMeter
instance anyway.

Runtime configuration of the address would need code (and GUI)
changes; feel free to raise a Bugzilla enhancement request.

I won't raise one... Will pick at the code as time permits.

It's in in the static section.  Line 177 et seq.
Line 526 is where the connection localHost address is set up. However
the local host name is also used elsewhere for authentication.

If you don't want to update the GUI, you could use a fixed JMeter
variable name and use that for the local IP address when setting up a

Setting up a variable can be done easily enough. Never bothered myself with Swing :)

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