I wrote a small program to insert the SQL parameters into the SQL so log file has one SQL statement per line w/ no parameterization.

What are the details of how you set up your JDBC sampler to access the SQL coming from the CSV dataset?

Did you get parameterized SQL to work when both the SQL statement and the parameters come from the CSV dataset?

Shane Petroff wrote:
Jeff Baird wrote:
Is this the best way to feed SQL
statements to a database to performance test the database?

It's about the only way you can work with large sets of SQL, yes.

Does anyone have any examples that show how to do this?
The basic layout I use is

   JDBC Connection Config
   CSV Dataset Config
   JDBC Sampler
View Results Tree (this one will give you detailed info on exceptions)
   Graph Results
Summary Report

Is your JDBC driver accessible? Either in jmeter's lib directory or added directly to the test plan. The only issues I remember having is parameterizing the sql so that caching on the database doesn't skew the stats, and reliably cleaning up the inserted data at the end of the script. One can work around both of these issues, but the only ongoing issue I have with JDBC testing is keeping the throughput high enough to actually make the database 'sweat'. I was hoping to overwhelm it, but have never come close.


Jeff Baird     x40647

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