On 22/02/2008, Tom Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>  My test-plan is the following:
>  Thread-Group
>   |
>   | -- HTTP Request Defaults
>   |
>   | -- HTTP Request (http://foo.com)
>   |
>   | -- simple Controller
>   |         |
>   |         | -- HTTP Request (http://foo.com/bar.php)
>   |         |
>   |         | -- HTTP Request (http://foo.com/bar.php)
>   |         |
>   |         | -- Gaussian Random Timer
>   |
>   |
>   | -- HTTP Request (http://foo.com/anotherbar.php)
>   |
>   | -- Cookie Manager
>   |
>    ...
>  The Cookie Manager works for http://foo.com and http://foo.com/anotherbar.php
>  but not for http://foo.com/bar.php.
>  How can I achieve sending the cookies also in the http://foo.com/bar.php
>  Request?

The placement of the Cookie Manager is fine; perhaps there is a
problem with the cookies themselves.

Try adding a View Results Tree Listener after the Cookie Manager; you
can see the cookies on Sampler Result and Request pages.

If you select the Cookie Manager you can then use the Menu item
Help/Enable Debug to enable debugging of cookies. This may help.

>  thanks,
>  Tom
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