ok, just found the reason: JMeter server batch launch script does not like being launched under cygwin environment.

sorry for the noise :)

Romain Dorgueil a écrit :

I'm new to this list, and to JMeter, so maybe (for sure?) I did something wrong, but I tryed tuning and hacking as much as I could and I still have the same problem.

Here it is

I wrote a test scenario, that works just as I wanted if ran locally (with or without the gui). Basically, it runs one request every seconds in each threads from this sampler list: fetch an homepage, try to login and fail, try to log and success, browse some pages, logout, reload homepage.

As said, if I run this scenario with the local client, it works just fine. But for my needs, I need to have 8 machines running this simultaneous, so I installed JMeter on a test machine, and ran jmeter-server.bat which launches successfully. Then, I added its IP to jmeter.properties, and asked my GUI to make the server run the test scenario. Server displays "Starting the test on host x.y.z.w @ ......"

I then switch to my web server and tail -f the access log to see if everything is fine, but each threads only run the first sampler of my scenario... whatever I do, all following requests are not sent...

I really can't figure out what I did wrong, I hope someone help cause I'm a bit lost^^

Romain Dorgueil
Symfony developer

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