Dear Team,

I have seen a couple of mails regarding the CSV output from JMeter. I
understood that if i make it CSV output, it would save memory resources. I
am running my scripts in Non-GUI mode.

The problem is that my scripts contains with assertions in some of the
samplers. Those assertions are mandatory for to check out the
proper output. If i enable xml ouput, i am getting the assertion results.
But in a long run i will be running many concurrent users that time
this would take much time & would create a huge size output file.


1) If i enable the CSV output, those assertions results are not included. So
obviously i am missing some valuable data whether
    it has succeeded or not? Can we make a CSV output to save the requests
query string & Assertions results?

2)  If i enabled xml output, how can i save the request? I meant the
complete request query string. I have tested with the
    Jmeter.Properties file by enabling some parameters & running the tests
again. But none was carrying this information.
    We can see the request query string if we are running from Jmeter GUI.

3) Can we have a sample perl scripts which converts the JTL output to CSV
output? (if we can not save the assertions in CSV output.)

Please share your thoughts on this?

Mohamed Niyas M
Mobile: 98804 59080

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