
Yes you are correct, it would be 20 in your example - in general its N x
number of threads in JMX file, where N is number of remote machines. 

Where I've found this really annoying is if you want do ramp up over time.
Say you have 50 threads in the JMX and 10 machines, and you wanted to
steadily increase the load up to the max level of 500 simultaneous users. In
a remote test scenario, you are limited to increasing the load in step
amounts based on the number of machines. I.e. id like to be able to do - 1 ..
2 .. 3 .. 4 .. up to 500 threads, say over 4 hours, but in reality all you
can do is 10 .. 20 .. 30 .. etc.

If anyone knows of a good solution for this, please let me know!


-----Original Message-----
From: Turkel, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 22 August 2008 00:02
To: jmeter-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Number of User Settings for Remote Testing

I apologize for what seems like a simple question, but I cannot find a
definitive answer in the documentation or online:


If I'm executing tests across N clients, how is the number of
threads/users setup in a thread group used?


Is it cumulative, meaning the number of users will the total across all
N clients, or will it be a number of threads/users on each client?


For example, if I have 2 clients and set my number of threads/users to
be "10" will I end up running with 10 or 20 total threads/users.


My assumption was that it would be 20 (10 per client).






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